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Prevent delivery of certain goods to set areas

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    Prevent delivery of certain goods to set areas

    We sell lots of foods including chilled and frozen. We can only send out the chilled & frozen to our local area and not nationaly. How do we prevent customers ordering these from outside our area. we have notes here and there but they just do not read these!

    Depending on how you have your shipping set you could add a new delivery zone for "local". Set shipping to weight and set a very high product weight on the frozen items. In the shipping table for national deliveries set the highest weight just beneath the weight of a frozen product and set "excess - do not allow".

    In the "local" zone set the shipping bands again from the frozen product weight - ie so the bands start again if a frozen product is added.

    Worth a thought - but may be very buggy setting up the local weight bands if users add in more than 1 frozen item as would need replicating the bands upwards to account for say 2 frozen and 3 not frozen items!

    Actinic and Shipping is a notorious complexity

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thanks. I think I understand! I have several zones set for weight, local and other areas. But as you said if they ordered a mix of chilled and non chilled it would cause problems. I think it may be a matter of having the notice on the site in 10ft high letters you can not order this if you live there!!! Of course the problem as we get them to fill out delivery address after the products are chosen....

