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"Continue" Buttons & "Continue Shopping" Buttons......

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    "Continue" Buttons & "Continue Shopping" Buttons......

    I stopped the bounce on the View Cart page so a buyer can proceed on their own by choosing 'continue'. One of my cohorts brought it to my attention that it's a bit confusing to be staring at the 'View Cart' page and see 'continue' with an arrow ahead of it pointing directly at 'checkout'. Now I'm not suggesting that my cohort is an idiot, but one of my primary goals is to make my site idiot proof. I thought it a good idea to try to change 'continue' to 'continue shopping'. After viewing several Actinic sites it appears that the only ones that have 'continue shopping' have a button style different from the ones on my 'View Cart' page. Where do I get these buttons? They look just like the ones on every page on my site, but the 'View Cart' page.

    Failing that, can I put a sentence under the links to advise a buyer to click 'continue' to return to the catalog and continue shopping? If so, where and in which page code would this instructional text be placed?



    PS As long as I'm on the subject of buttons, can anyone advise me as to how people are getting Site Map, Contact Us and
    Terms and Conds on their home page. I've looked for an option to do this and can't find one. These links are appearing on all the other pages. Am I not finding the option or does my template not allow it without code changes?

    Im seeing 'General Scriipting Errors' when trying to enter your site. It seems your scripts ar enot running.

    Duncan R


      Read the tale of woe currenty running in my post about about Server Version/Client version. Site has crashed due to some mishap during a purge and refresh. I'm trying to refresh with 7.0.3, but Actinic keeps crashing on upload.


        I too would be interested in solutions to these issues if anyone has any suggestions.

        Thanks in advance


          Back online. Thought problem was in high speed access. Tried uploading by phone line instead of cable. Actinic crashed again. Went out and rented the most powerful PC I could find and got version 7.0.3 refreshed. Something must be awry with my laptop since the new hard drive was installed. There were about fifty images that didn't upload, but that's easily corrected

          Two days of pure hell.

          Now back to those buttons.....

          I would settle for a line of instructions under the buttons on View Cart, but the bar at the top of the home page looks bare without the links to Site Map, etc.

          Any code experts willing to give it a go?



            To get your links along the top of the page, look for this bit of code in your Act_BrochurePrimary.html template file
            <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr> <td height="26" background="acatalog/top_bar.gif">&nbsp;</td></tr></table>
            and replace the &nbsp; with the NETQUOTEVARs for the individual links you want (NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBSITEMAP for example).

            You may want to add an align="right" into the <td tag to keep the links to the right hand side of the page.

            For the view cart button problem, it's either a case of create your own image to replace the existing gif, or switch to text (or the easy way - visit a site that has the continue shopping button you want, right click on the image and save it to your site1 folder, then rename if needed.)
            Last edited by wjcampbe; 06-Jan-2006, 05:34 AM. Reason: remove extra text
            Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
            BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
            Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
            VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
            Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


              Bill, your going to get me (or rather) I'll probably get myself into trouble, but I may give it a try when I've recovered from the recent problems. The PC I've rented temporarily has XP. I'm used to 2KProfessional. XP renamed about fifty of my images because it decided the file names were too long. Now Actinic no longer recognizes them. Will have to take care of that first, but I'm sure I'll be back when I can't get the links in the right place.


