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Terms & conditions displayed on checkout pages

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    Terms & conditions displayed on checkout pages

    I've just upgrade from v5 to v7. How in the world do I get the terms & conditions to display on the checkout pages? NETQUOTEVAR:INFOPANELS only generate a "Click <link>here</link> to view the Terms and Conditions" line and a popup, but I want that text displayed on the checkout page itself as in v5, NOT in a popup window! It seems crazy to me that the same nqv would create the full text on the popup page but NOT on the checkout pages! I tried all the different options in Design > Options with the same dismal result.

    I then tried using NETQUOTEVAR:INFOLINES but it just displays the nqv itself. I've read the help file, advanced guide, previous topics on this forum but can't find the solution. Please help!

    pretty well desperate

    Go into the View | Business settings and look for a tickbox - Terms and Conditions on seperate page and experiment with that to see if you can get what you want.

    Most posts on here are complaints from people who want to remove Ts & Cs from the checkout pages - what theme are you using?
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      Hi Bill

      I'm using a custom theme based on BusinessCSS.

      Under View > Business Settings > Terms and Conditions I only find the boxes Remove Terms and Conditions Link, Terms and Conditions to be Agreed Before Checkout and Marketing Message. The first option just removes the Actinic referrer, the second adds a checkbox on checkout and the third adds a text message not related to the T&C. There are no other references to the T&C under Business Settings.

      Under Design > Options > Miscellaneous > Information Link I find the options None, Terms and Conditions on Separate Catalog page, Terms and Conditions on Catalog Front Page, URL and Brochure Page. Regardless of which option I select no T&C is generated on the checkout pages!

      Most posts on here are complaints from people who want to remove Ts & Cs from the checkout pages
      I noticed when searching the forum but want to be different! Naa, it's the customers. I know well from experience that if it's not right in front of their eyes customers won't read it. Barely do when it IS in front of their eyes but easier all around if it's in plain sight all through the checkout process so they can't say it's our fault they missed it.



        Sorry, did not have Actinic open as I am working on writing an accounting program at the moment...

        OK - if none of the settable options help you, then it may be an idea to (temporarily at least) rename your Act_CheckoutPrimary.html and copy in the original from the Formats/Themes/BusinessCSS folder - if that solves the problem then you need to find the difference between the original and the renamed file.
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


          Hi Bill

          Unfortunately Act_PrimaryCheckout.html has not been altered in any way. The NETQUOTEVAR:INFOPANELS are on the checkout templates Act_Order00.html -Act_Order03.html. I now tried to insert the nqv in the Act_PrimaryCheckout.html but it only displayed the nqv as text so that didn't work either. I guess I'll have to knuckle down and hard code those stupid T&C into the templates! Now to remember to change them if we change the policy...

          If somebody from the Actinic team is reading this PLEASE take a look at this problem! I can't be the only one who would want the option of publishing the T&C on the checkout pages rather than a popup, especially not today when loads of people use popup suppressors so will never see or read them otherwise.



            Do you have a web address where we can see the problem? It really sound as though something is corrupt - either in your settings, or within the site templates OR a hosting problem.

            Could possibly help more if we could see what is happening.
            Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
            BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
            Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
            VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
            Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


              Corrupt program

              Hi Bill

              It turned out the problem was a corrupt program. It probably never installed correctly and went downhill from there, with more and more odd things happening. Finally it started to pop up alert boxes with "no error" error messages whenever I generated a page! I then tried the tip found elsewhere on this forum to compact the db, supposed to fix this problem, but was a stupid thing to do as it only compounded the problem and I lost the Navigator skins as well. That's when I exported all the products, saved my templates and uninstalled the program. I then started again from scratch with a clean program and am making progress. The T&C now appears at the bottom of the checkout pages as they're supposed to. Anyway, thanks for your help. The mere knowledge that the text should be there made me persevere in finding the problem.


