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Catalog Export

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    Catalog Export


    I am using Developer and I am having a lot of problems exporting catalog an then importing.

    When I export a file it appears to work fine. I then delete the catalog and compact the database, then import. This also works fine.

    If I repeat above but make a change in excel 2002, then the import fails with numerous errors:

    Line 37: Wrong number of fields. Expected 58 but got 57.

    If I do above but use notepad it works fine.

    Excel appears to place trailing commas after a number of lines. This is when using, CSV, Text or unicode.

    Is this an issue with Excel 2002 or is this an issue with my version of Actinic and CSV files.

    I need to use Excel as this is the easiest method for updating catalog outside Actinic.

    Thanks for any help.
    Last edited by twalls; 07-Jan-2006, 12:26 PM. Reason: Update

    I think this is a well known Excel bug that happens if the last column has some empty entries. The solution is to re-arrange the columns so that the last field is always populated. Or simple add a dummy final column that always contains data.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

