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actinic.css and screen resolution

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    actinic.css and screen resolution

    being the adventurous type of person, I would like to have actinic generate larger fonts according to whether the user is viewing at 800px wide or 1024px wide
    The reason for this is that the text on smaller screens looks awfully "bold"

    I can handle the simple code to swap to the alternate style sheet - no probs, but Actinic generates part of the css file from variables - example:
    .thinborder {
    	border-top-width: 0px;
    	border-right-width: 1px;
    	border-bottom-width: 1px;
    	border-left-width: 1px;
    	border-top-style: solid;
    	border-right-style: solid;
    	border-bottom-style: solid;
    	border-left-style: solid;
    	border-top-color: NETQUOTEVAR:PALBGCSS;
    	border-right-color: NETQUOTEVAR:PALCOLOR3CSS;
    	border-bottom-color: NETQUOTEVAR:PALCOLOR3CSS;
    	border-left-color: NETQUOTEVAR:PALCOLOR3CSS;
    so, is it simply a matter of
    • setting the colours in the <design><colours...> options
    • generating a preview page
    • look / edit the generated code to suit the smaller resolution
    • ensure the relevent Act_Primary.html reflects the changes (including the swap code)
    • Copy the new butchered css sheets to the correct directories albeit under new names to prevent them from being overwritten

    I realise that I am taking some of the auto-generation away from actinic, but heck, thats why they give us access to all those templates isn't it ??

    any expert got any other methods ?

    I always ditch all NQVs from actinic.css as I prefer to control everything myself.

    So my suggestion would be to have a css file completely hard coded, then all you have to do is detect screen res and increase text size only

    ie if 800*600 text size is small
    if 1024*768 text size is regular etcetc

    Or forget about screen detection and just have a text selector for the user to use if they desire.


      thanks Jo,
      the missus has a sight problem, so I'm always keen to offer clearer layouts wherever possible, the idea of a "text selector" sounds a good one.


        here's a good example


          being incorporated as we speak, it was what to do with the actinic side of things that I wasn't sure of, now Iv'e the answer . . .

          thaks Jo.

