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Suggested next step

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    Suggested next step

    I have just downloaded the trial business version to see if it will integrate and do what I need to do.

    I have about 4000 products that I need to sort through before I can even begin to think about launching (still have to buy the product yet!) but I was wonderring what you experienced users suggest I do next.

    I have set up the categories I need, and added one product and viewed it offline.

    I have a custom design I will be implementing into actinic.

    What do you suggest I do next? Should I launch the site on the testing url provided to me by actinic or start the design customisation? oir should i concentrate on the products arranging first?

    I'm not sure what I should be doing next, I don't expect people to prioritize for me but I would just like to know what you suggest is the next best step...

    Thanks in advance!

    People wil have different opinions I think. Personally I would get just a few sections ready with just a couple of products each then decide on a layout to use and upload it to a test server to see what it will ook like.
    Next would be to start the template modifications and try out each change.

    I think the hardest part will probably be finding which template to change for what. Everyone goes through this learning curve. You'll get lots of help in the forum here, the advanced user guide and the Actinic knowledge base.

    Duncan R


      Thank you Duncan,

      Reading the guide is one thing, but advice from experienced users can sometimes give you a whole different idea. I wasn't trying to be lazy - honest!

      now i need to find that testing url...


        I'm just starting out too. I'm doing a bit of everything. I have divided up my products into groups... placed some into sections... and modified some of the templates.

        I'd agree with Duncan in that getting your head around which templates to change will probably be the hardest part... I've found the Dreamweaver integration a real big help in finding out how to get around.

        I did find that if I got carried away trying to list all my products with all the features I want in the site then I will never get it live. Instead I'm working on getting some products up with a layout I'm reasonably happy with and then modify and develop it once the site is live.

        I've found this forum to be an absolute asset to the product... great advice and lots of experienced users. I'm sure you'll do well

