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Powered by Actinic message

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    Powered by Actinic message

    Hi - as default, a message saying

    Powered by Actinic
    Ecommerce Software Shopping Cart Solutions

    appears on the home page of sites - does anyone know how to change this? I want it to link to my website so they come to me for design services - don't want them thinking they can do it themselves!!

    Design Options/Site Default
    Disable the Powered by Image at bottom of page and put your on (add html)


      I assume this is the link to the Actinic Referral Scheme which you can turn off by going to Design - Options - Site Defaults.

      I guess if you wanted to put on the page an image with a hyperlink to your site, you could enable the Actinic Referral Scheme option in that dialogue box, change the "Powered By Image" to your own logo and edit the Act_PoweredBy.html page to include a link to your site.

      But this is just a thought - wait until somebody more expert than I responds before trying this for real


        You are correct.. i.e. if you replace the code within the Act_PoweredBy.html templates, then so long as you keep the option enabled in the Design settings, then what ever code you create in there will be shown in its position/marker of the main templates.

        Basically, replace the NETQUOTEVARs for the hrefs and img details etc etc with your own and then that should cover it for you.


          BUT people can do it themselves - that is why the software is so good. I am upfront and always recommend Actinic as a solution for DIY use, I would rather do it this way than have them come back and say "well I could have done that". The Actinic website is also pretty easy to find so they will find out in the end.

