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Cannot Refresh or Update - Nearly a week!

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    Cannot Refresh or Update - Nearly a week!

    Hi we cannot refresh or update one of our Actinic websites for nearly a week.
    1st started with permission problems on current server. After several other problems with same provider, we took the decision to move it to a new host. The test settings all report everything is OK.

    If we press Refresh - It says are you sure, we say yes, it just sits there thinking about it - we left it overnight and it was still thinking about it the next morning.

    We cannot do a refresh - same problem.

    We get the egg-timer cursor, but we can still do other things in actinic like process orders.

    We have tried snapshotting to another PC. Same problems. We have compacted the database using Actinic and MS Access. We have even tried to upgrade from 7.3 to 7.5 of actinic - NOTHING IS WORKING - HELP we are fast approaching our wits end!

    Under Advanced | Network Setup do you have "Use enhanced FTP" ticked?

    Have you also tried searching this forum for FTP issues as something similar has been covered before

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      to me its sounds like a connection issue, do you have any firewalls or proxy server on your internet connection ?
      Web design Bradford


        We have tried with and without FTP ticked.

        The problem is that when we press Refresh or Update, We don't even get the "Check and Send Files" popup window in Actinic.

        Other sites on the same PC are working correctly. If we switch to another site and do a Refresh / Update, the "Check and Send Files" window pops up and the sites upload OK.

        It must be a problem with the site database surely - but we can't see anything. HELP!


          Have you tried changing the script ID in "Advanced | Network Setup", e.g. incrementing the ID number by 1, on the PC you are having a problem on.

          Once incremented attempt another update/refresh and see if you get the standard uploading checklist screen. Please bear in mind that if you are running actinic on another machine for this site then you will need replicate the ID change across to this machine as well.
          Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
          Ecommerce Digital Marketing

          SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

          SellerDeck Hosting
          SellerDeck Digital Marketing



            You may well be a genius. The Script ID was 5, but since moving to the new server it was reset to 1. We finally got to 7 - and it is going for it! Will let you know if we are successful...

            Many many thanks.


              Fergus - bang on the button!

              Working fine now, refreshed (took some time but it's a big site). Also updates working fine.

              Many thanks.


                I have seen this happen to a few websites, usually after a server move.

                Actinic may want to respond as to the direct cause of the upload/download problem within actinic that causes it to 'hang' unless the script ID is altered.

                Glad everything is working now.
                Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
                Ecommerce Digital Marketing

                SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

                SellerDeck Hosting
                SellerDeck Digital Marketing

