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Shipping query - sending to other places

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    Shipping query - sending to other places


    I would like to be able to sell my PC systems to other countries than the UK. However, I don not have time to create shipping tables for each possible destination. How do I go about creating a proper table for the UK, but a "Contact us for a shipping quotation" for all other destinations?

    Thanks, Tom Slocombe
    Fast and Small Computers
    Fast and Small Computers

    Hi Tom

    You can try this workaround. In View | Business Settings | Shipping and Handling, create the UK shipping band with the correct rates table. Create another band as EU and add the applicable countries to it. However do not create any shipping classes under it.

    Now under "If Shipping band not Defined", select Do Not Allow Shipping.
    In this scenario, customers will get the countries in the drop-down under Select Shipping Destination but if they choose anything other than United Kingdom, they will get an error message.

    This error message can be edited to include a mailto link. To do this, in Design | Text, click on GoTo. Type in 25 for the ID and select Shipping as Database and OK. You can add the HTML in this text prompt with a link to your email address for customers to click on.

    Hope this helps.
    Krithika Chandrasekar


    E-commerce software by SellerDeck

