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Common Components

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    Common Components


    I use the same set of components with several different products, eg hard drives are common to all the systems I sell. Whenever the price of the them changes, or a new drive is available I have to do a lot of manul cutting and pasting to refresh all of my products.

    Is there a way to have a component defined in 1 place, but referenced by several products?

    Thanks, Tom
    Fast and Small Computers
    Fast and Small Computers

    Using your example of the hard drive...

    Create each hard drive as hidden products, ie..

    80GB SATA
    160GB SATA and so on... each with there prices and all the usuals, but not actually visible, so Hide on Website set on each one.

    Then, in the Fill List for the hard drive options, set it to use the Associated Product and use the Associated Product price...

    That way when ever you change the associated product price, all those using that will use the new price.

    Element it will not get around is showing the price in the drop down choices, if you go this way now...

