My computer has been upgraded. When I try to load Actinic Catalogue I get a message saying "Error locating 'original' directory". My computer name on the network has been changed. Is this what is causing the problem? What do I need to do?
If you are accessing files etc on a remote hard drive on your netwrok have you got the drive mapping sorted on the new machine for you new network ID. Does your new machine have user permissions to browse netwrok drives?
All the Actinic files are on my computer. We had a new server installed two months. Email was kept on the old server. No problems with Actinic.
Yesterday our email system was changed to Eudora and installed on the new server and now I can't run Actinic. Error message as above
If you are accessing files etc on a remote hard drive on your netwrok have you got the drive mapping sorted on the new machine for you new network ID. Does your new machine have user permissions to browse netwrok drives?
Thanks for your reply. I think it's the mapping that needs sorting. How do I go about this?
It sounds like a file permissions problem. i.e When you log on to your network, you are not the same identity as you previously were.
You don't say what operating system you are using, but try this for Windows XP.
Right click on start and choose explore.
Navigate to the Program Folders/Actinic v7 folder and right click on that folder and choose properties.
On the security tab, click Add.
In the box, type your new username and click check names.
When it returns your Network name followed by your username, click OK.
Put a tick in the Full Control box in the lower window.
OK all the way out and try running actinic again.