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Dragging and dropping duplicates from Excel

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    Dragging and dropping duplicates from Excel

    I've set up a linked external Excel sheet - when I create new products in this they drag and drop perfectly into a section from the unallocated products area in Actinic, however when I create duplicates and try to drag and drop them into a section they stay put! I am using the 1!ref, 2!ref etc convention - am I doing something daft in Excel? Mark H

    Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


    I can replicate the issue you are facing, the only way to be able to move the duplicates into sections will be if you reimport the excell linked file !! I have asked Development for their views on this and will let you know as soon as I hear from them.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Thanks Bruce - have you seen the worksheet I emailed to ?

      The slightly odd thing to me about the system is there is a set of fields which can be dynamically linked, which is great, then there is a wider set of fields which can only be imported - this wider set includes the dynamic fields but also includes fields which I would have thought were necessary to create a duplicate externally, such as "original product reference" and the field which defines whether the product is an original or a duplicate (0 or 1). In short - can a duplicate be created entirely in an external dynamically linked sheet, or does it have to be a combination of dynamic linking and importing? (in fact I have to use this combination already because the full description and extended info text are over 255 characters and have to be imported....)

      Is there any way of extending the range of fields which can be dynamically linked?

      Thanks for your help, Mark H.

      Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


        Can you tell me which fields you would like to Dynamically link, so that I can ask Development about them.

        The issue with not being able to move the duplicates from the linked file has been declared a bug and will need a rewrite of the source code to get around it.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King

