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Flat File Import Field - Price List

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    Flat File Import Field - Price List

    Ok dokey then...

    I know this is possible because Sage Link can do it, the goal is to update every product we have from a CSV file using flat file import / update to create a new price list called TRADE or what ever - this we'd make available only to registered customers...

    In Sage Link if you have a customer with a price list they are created at importation as a line "THAT CUSTOMER" and each price is not generated rather it is just their price.

    With nearly 5000 products there'd better be a way or you'll see me on the news, "...bloke hijacks TryanScare 737..., reported to be mumbling something about Actinic..."

    Hi David,

    You ca do this in Actinic but not as a Flat file import, it will have to be a Hierarchical file import. Samples of Hierarchical import files are available in the Common folder of the Actinic installation. You can also just export your site and that would create a Hierarchical file which you can then work on updating.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      #3're kidding right?

      I just tried to read one of the Hi-malarky-all files and my brain went into freeze mode, with 5000+ products there's just no sensible way to import a price list other than create a rule in Actinic but I need specific TRADE prices below the RRP which are not all of the same percentage less in price.

      There has to be a solution, perhaps a hack to create a second field in the import system which looks up a price scheme. I mean all we need to do is reference the product by product code and then say insert this price here, is there no translator of something similar...?

      I thought about importing the products into Sage and using Link, by changing the base price scheme to something other than "retail" in the profile perhaps the related "trade" price profile in Actinic (if I called it that) would be id'd by the import process and the "trade" price would change. Having one customer on this "trade" price would generate the profile in Actinic post import but would the prices update correctly.

      The alternative is to update manually and beleive me that is not a tasty option.

      I need help and ideas.


        The Sage wizardry worked... assuming you have all your products on a CSV (or) have performed a flat file export to back these up...

        1. Import products into Sage, at desired new selling price...
        2. Create / Use a customer record and create a new price list 'trade'.
        3. Assign customer to that price list.
        4. In "Price List" associate products to list, set discount to % less nil.
        5. In Sage Link set Export Special Prices in the Discounts tab to YES.
        6. Set Products / Sections to transfer standard data only.
        7. Process the Files, import them to Actinic... update not replace data.
        8. Re import your CSV (original) but this time only the short desc, prod ref, (original retail) price.

        What happens is that Sage Link brings accross a special customer and creates a price list which is not generated in Actinic, your special customer is assigned to that price list however now all of your product prices in the RETAIL (BASE) price are set to the trade price you imported into Sage. To remedy that a reimport of your original data with the three field indicated updates only the base price, you need the product reference to match up products and the short decription to prevent error reporting... the new trade price is not changed by this second import.

        Sounds complicated but it works - I updated 7500+ products in under an hour and then spent four hours manually checking them, alot faster than a manual update. Products with pricing models built from components and perhaps different product codes should be checked carefully as the key to this is the "same product ref" to update...

