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Changing default file type from .html to .asp

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    Changing default file type from .html to .asp

    Dear Sirs,

    Changing default catalog file type from .html to .asp

    I have been trawling community and knowledge and I just want confirmation of my suspiscion that this feature is not available on catalog 5, only on catalog 6.

    I'm afraid this feature is not available in v6 either. Currently, we only support .js, .php, .php3, .css, .html, .htm, .shtml and .vrml file extensions.


      an option might be to get your host to parse html files for ASP content.

      An idea...


        .html to .php in catalog 5

        RE: I'm afraid this feature is not available in v6 either...

        Is it then possible to change default file types from .html to .php in catalog 5 or is this a feature in 6?

        RE: an option might be...

        If you did that, would you still be able to put variables in to the URL

        Thanks in advance,

        Gavriel Magonet


          I dont see why you should not be able to put variables into the URL.

          If it works for standard php files, then getting the server to parse html files for php content should in effect make html and php files indistinguishable apart from the content they contain, i.e. normal standard html or php content.

          One thing though, parsing html file for php content will add to the server load as it will have to check all html files for php content, so best to speak with your host about this in advance... although if you stuck to a regime of all normal html ONLY pages used the ext of .html and ones you want php parsed for as .htm and set this as the method for parsing, then this would cut down on the server checking files that do not have php content in them, but again speak with your host about this.

          Hope it helps....


            Does Version 7 support asp? if so how do you cahnge the file extention?
            Justin Rowe


              In v7 you can assign your section pages with the ext .asp, but the underlying system is still perl, so cart and all that remain under .pl or .cgi, plus not sure if it is possible to rename pages like the search, sitemap and that with a .asp ext.

