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Links within pages

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    Links within pages

    Hey people

    Im kind of a newbie to actinic software so this might be dead simple!

    Basically, say i have 5 buttons down the left hand side of my store like, car parts interior, car parts exterior, etc. When people click on car parts interior, instead of just displaying 100 odd products under that heading, i want to display a further 5 pictures which sub divide car parts interior into 5 sections. So say, seats, dashboard, doors etc.

    I want to show these a pictures but also as links so when they click on the picture of seats, it takes you to a page showing all the seat products available. And if you click on the dashboard picture, all the dashboard products are displayed.

    Hope thats clear! I have read through the manuals, but im still not too sure.

    Thanks for any help

    In Actinic select a section and right click, you will see you can create sub-sections. These will then allow you to sub-divide your large sections.

    Duncan R


      Hi Duncan

      Thank you for the help , but what i mean is, when you click on the section links on the left hand side, instead of having to click the text that appears under the section heading, i wanted images to appear in the content area where by people can click on the images which act as a link through to another section.

      I found a way round it. I used fragments. Changed the fragment to an image and then added a link to the image.

      The images im using are small, does anyone know how i get the images to appear in line next to each other, say 4 images in a row, to act as for separate links? rather than having them appear on to top of each other going vertically down the page?

      Thanks alot



        Go to my site and look around. Start out with the content tree on the left or click on 'Products'. Especially check out Hewlett-Packard for the image drill down to the final products. Also see Nu-kote for the way the clickable images are laid out.

        Advise if that's the style you're trying to achieve.



          Hi Charles

          Thats exactly what im trying to achieve!! i will have 4 images and probably a bit smaller but the principle is exactly what i want to achieve!!


            Start with Your Main Sections Under Online Catalog | Select Items from a list
            Right click on Select Items from a list and choose new subsection. Your main
            sections will be subsections of 'select items from a list'.
            After your first main section is named, right click on that section and choose new section.
            They will line up under one another. Continue until your main sections are done.
            Then go back to the first main section, right click and choose new subsection, name it and
            do the same until your subsections under your main sections are all built.
            You can continue in this fashion with subsections until you're ready for your products.
            Right click on the final subsection under any main section and choose new product.

            Hope that made sense. I'm exhausted.

            About the row layout....
            Go to Design Options | Sections Tab | Arrangement of Section List | Row Counts

            Don't always depend on 'Page Preview' to see your work. You'll think the program
            didn't make your changes. 'Offline Preview' takes longer, but is much more reliable.

            Hope this helps.



              Thanks for all your help Charles, I will give it a go


                Just to add - from a design point of view try and ensure your section images are the same size and shape to create a uniform layout - odd sizes and shapes can look a pig

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

