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Metas Have Stopped Appearing as SEs Need to See Them

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    Metas Have Stopped Appearing as SEs Need to See Them

    The site was to have been registered with the search engines this weekend. Now it's been delayed. I finished adding all meta tags and descriptions to all my sections, updated and then called the marketing department at Network Solutions to run me one more SEO analysis before Sunday. Unlike the simple matter it was a week ago and the week before that, when all the metas I had were on the home page, I was told today that something is keeping them (all of them) from appearing as the search engines need to see them. All that's being seen is the title to my home page. I've done nothing since the last analysis, but add keywords and descriptions to all the sections in the fields provided by the program. As the marketing department is closed on weekends the rep referred me to to test any fixes I come up with so that maybe I can go through with my first registration on time.

    As expected these are the results from for all three of my submitted URLs
    Found no description meta tag
    Found no keywords meta tag.

    Miscellaneous data and observations.......

    The submitted URLs are:

    Actinic Preview Source Code for all three submitted URLS:

    Online Source Code for all three submitted URLS:

    I don't understand the significance of FORCED=0 in preview vs FORCED=1 online.
    Found it odd that the home page in preview contains 'acatalog'.
    Also found it odd that the home page source code reads "https" when the URL reads "http".
    Could it be because the SSL emblem is on the home page??

    Tried a complete refresh. Didn't help.
    Took my brand new NAV buttons off the home page. Didn't work. Put them back.
    Not Missing These...
    Main Primary
    Brochure Primary

    I've done everything I've read about here except uncompact HTML/CGI and Purge and
    Refresh. Purge and Refresh doesn't work for my V7.03. Actinic crashes on Purge. I have to manually delete the acatalog folder, index.html and the pertinent files in the CGIBIN and then refresh.
    I also have not removed the meta keywords and descriptions from everywhere
    except the home page to put everything back in the state it was when the last successful analysis was run a week ago.

    Before I spend the time trying what hasn't been tried, I hope to find a quicker solution. Is there something visible in the source codes that I just don't see that might be the problem? If so, what could have caused it? And for all three URLs?



    You can put the menu items back up these are not related to the 'problem'.

    Some SE bot simulators do not read the page correctly, and report no METAs even though you can clearly see the correct META tags are there when you view the source code on screen.

    The answer is to move the BASEHREF to after the HEADERMETA in both templates. The program you are using to check will then see the METAs.
    Last edited by wjcampbe; 14-Jan-2006, 07:41 AM. Reason: spelling
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      I had already put them back. Nothing's going to mess with those buttons.

      I'm trying the switch now.

      But why would the order of BASEHREF and HEADERMETA make a difference now when it had not previously? The marketing department at Network Solutions is using the same simulator this week that they used last week. It worked fine then.


        I think my lady friend is going to get something from Egypt for her birthday.
        I've got enough feedback data to keep me up all weekend. Looks like this SE thing is going to start a whole new learning curve.

        I would like for someone near the source to make me understand why the developers would go through the effort to create entry fields for meta tags and descriptions in brochure pages, sections, sub-sections and products and then create scripting that has to be swapped around to insure the information can be seen by all. I just don't get it.

        Bill, have a nice weekend.



          I would not worry too much about the meta keywords and descriptions as most search engines dont even look at them theses days - certainly Google ignores them completely.

          As Bill says the problem lies with the simulators not Actinic.


            For the search engines that might pick up on the keywords, should I then leave them in the order they are now? Or rather, is the current order a universal fix?


              They look ok where they are.

              The most important tag in terms of SEO seems to have been ignored! ie the title tag - this Google places great importance on. Yours does not seem to have been optomised at all (it is set at the default Actinic).

              I would advise you also look at the file size of the images on your home page they are quite big and take a while to download - I know that the USA mostly has BB but you could make your home page faster to download.


                Originally posted by RuralWeb
                Yours does not seem to have been optomised at all (it is set at the default Actinic).
                Could you please advise me as to where you are seeing that. The title of the home page is 'Supply Specialties-Your Single Source for IT Consumables'. It's been uploaded. It's not being rated very highly. I'm probably to going to work on it this weekend. I do need to correct it though if you're seeing it as "Home" somewhere.

                The home page is approximately 10,000 bytes. My problem with speed is the shared server I'm on. At any given time the page loads in a range from four seconds to fifteen seconds. The host is moving the customer base to newer servers with more space. I just can't find out when it will happen to me. The speed issue is a daily battle with them. And I mean daily.


                PS What's BB?


                  That sounds like the size of the html part of the page.

                  If you look on the live page and check the properties of the images you will see that they range from 20K to 45K. You need to add each of these to the 10K for the page which will give you the total download size of the page.

                  The ideal total should be about 85K.

                  BB - Broad Band

                  The home page title is Ok I was refering to all the other pages.


                    Then I'll be working on the other titles also this weekend. Thanks so much for your input.

                    Whew! By the inch it's a cinch.


