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Help on setting price options - please

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    Help on setting price options - please

    Beleive me I only post this in sheer desperation - and to prevent divorce - I have spent the last couple of hours trying to work out what I know will be a really simple solution but cannot for the life of me get my head round.

    I have a product that comes in various sizes at different prices i.e 150ml £7.99 and 250ml £10.99.

    I want to display one product description and then allow the customer to choose the size they want and have the price displayed next to that choice so they can add the relavant size choice to their shopping basket.

    I have read and read everything I can on compenents, attributes etc but just cannot se how it all works.

    Please can someone point me to somewhere where there may be a very simple plain english guide (may be with pictures - lol) to help me set this up right.

    Many many thanks
    For all your car, motorcycle and marine care, cleaning and detailing products.

    to get a price to appear within the choices you have to add it as text to the description.

    then use component to fill in the prices

    so you create component, create attrtibute, create chioce

    choice desceiption contains text incprice

    component holds the price which actinicuses to calculate price charged

