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Bug reporting

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    Bug reporting

    Where do I send a bug report for v7? Really guys! Some of these bugs are problems that were fixed in v5 and are now BACK!

    Here is the list so far:

    Website cart:

    Cart display: getCart script only displays cookie information on pages visited after the first item is placed in the cart. If customer uses the back button in the browser and goes back to a store page that loaded before the first item was placed in the cart the script shows 0. If the customer continues and load other pages from this point the cart result continues to show 0 until another product is placed in the cart!


    Shipping locations: When selecting all states in USA the cart does not generate the state drop down list hence making it impossible for anyone to order anything! Only by leaving out one state is the Select State list created.


    "Credit Card Issue Number:" when required for Visa and must be between 0
    and 255. The issue number actually run between 001-999! But if it's numerical value is higher than 255 you cannot place an order!

    Off line orders:

    When adding products off line the shipping calculator is greyed out. If
    there is ANY TIME one needs the shipping calculator it's when adding new
    products to the order!


    Sorting customers. Upper and lower case names are sorted separately! Sort order A-Z, a-z. This is ridiculous. Customers may fill in their name in upper or lower case, I want the customers sorted A-z without attention being paid to upper or lower case!

    Sorting on Total Cost not in numerical order! Sorting on Total Cost will NOT result in a list of orders from 0.01- 20,000. Sorting a la computer. Actual example: 249.40, 25.59, 254.06

    I keep my report open as we have just BEGUN to use the new program. From present experience I'd say there will be more to report in the near future. I find it irresponsible to sell a BETA product at such a high price! Honesty, these errors should be so simple to find and correct that if any of you developers had put some real orders into the program you would have spotted them right away. To not fully test the product is BAD business, gentlemen!



    Can you post a link to the site please so that I can take a look for you, else you can email me the link to check how it works. I am also looking into the other issues you have raised and will pass on your feedback to the development team.

    I will keep you updated on their responses.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King



      Have the link to your site... should have known it better..
      Bruce King


        I am unable to see the javascript cart on your site,
        Website cart:

        Cart display: getCart script only displays cookie information on pages visited after the first item is placed in the cart. If customer uses the back button in the browser and goes back to a store page that loaded before the first item was placed in the cart the script shows 0. If the customer continues and load other pages from this point the cart result continues to show 0 until another product is placed in the cart!
        Have you removed it?

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          Hi Bruce

          Yes, since I could only make it to work intermittedly I removed the cartcookie script for now. Did likewise with the Issue number. The store had to go live, season starting and the customers climbing on the barricades, so I simply had to improvise as I went to be able to open almost on time, still about two weeks late. We can test the script by me putting it in again now that things have calmed down a bit. Please contact me off list and we can set up a suitable time. I'd be happy if we could make it work!


