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does anyone in Actinic take notice of forums

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    does anyone in Actinic take notice of forums

    Its just an observation, but I've been watching the forums for a few months now,
    whats interesting is the sort of threads that seem to attact a lot of attention

    upgrade guide - 3814 viewings - (seems natural to this high)
    smtp errors - 530 viewings
    CSS Integration - 1089 viewings

    it strikes me that the number of viewings must have some relationship to the sort of interests there is within the comunity ( and perhaps when say interests, I mean concerns )

    so the flaming question of today is
    What's of most concern to the community - perhaps actinic could take note and strengthen up on those particular areas

    (and a side note, CSS and styles seems to interest most people - certainly very high up on the list and yet actinic say there isn't really intention of converting the themes to modern styles)

    kev !

    I don't think actinic will convert old styles to css as it will be anightmare in backward compability.

    There are many V3 andV4 sites out there using the old themes which is why they have to be left in the software.

    For CSS the only solution is to choose one of the newer themes which are CSS driven, of course that is very easy for old stagers like me as we can identify old and new themes at the drop of a hat. A newbie to Actinic does not have that skill.

    May be actinic could label themes more clearly as css or non css.

    I think/hope there will be more modern themes with V8


      I think/hope there will be more modern themes with V8
      This will almost certainly be the case. My main project this last year has been to learn CSS and use it for Actinic stores. You can see some of the results of this process in the demo merchant interface in Actinic Express, which is table-free.

      smtp errors - 530 viewings
      I think the reason this is so high is there has been a single thread on SMTP config which people keep re-opening. Although I would say that generally SMTP servers are the thing that cause most hassle when setting up Actinic.


        any ideas when V8 is being released (Q1, Q2?? etc)
        I Know its been asked before but . . .


          Originally posted by cdicken
          I think the reason this is so high is there has been a single thread
          Thats a very valid point. The same topics do keep cropping up as new posts and hence will start the "view counter" from zero again. This is partly down to non regulars not knowing about a topic or more-than-likely the search facility on the forum (which has been mentioned before) makes it very very difficult to track something down - even when you know who has written it and what the keywords are!

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

