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Actinic Shopping Cart

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    Actinic Shopping Cart

    Yesterday I've had about enough hard coding Actinic. I worked until very late and there still are problems unsolved. I got angry and I had an idea, but I don't know if it's possible. I'd like to create all of my site with php/mysql but still use the Actinic shopping cart. Is it possible? Thanks.

    Of course you can, but it will be a H U G E task. As long as some HTML ends up on the customers browser containing the products correct FORM data for posting to the Perl scripts you'll be OK. However the Perl that handles the Cart and Checkout is best left in place to do its job as it's a lot of code.

    Here's a demo of using PHP within the product templates to allow all sorts of manipulation of a pages data -
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      I've been coding my Actinic templates with PHP/JavaScript for 3 months now and I think I've reached the limit. My client wants more, so the only way is to take the design and data from Actinic and to put them into PHP/MySQL. OK. So, basically what I will have to do is: on the product page I have to create a form that will have the product variants and fields "imported" from Actinic. When I say "imported" I mean that their IDs have to be identical to the IDs from Actinic. Is it true? Could one of u guys do a HUGE thing for the humanity: give me small indications what I have to be careful about.


        There's no simple answer as to how to generate your own valid cart postdata.

        What I did when investigating this (years ago) was to patch the generated HTML of a product page to divert the FORM post from (the Shopping Cart script) to a simple bit of home-brewed Perl that displayed the list of posted parameters and their values.

        Then you can see what is posted for all sorts of Products / Choices / Prompts, etc. Watch out for Duplicates as they have their own quirks.

        I hope your client has an open ended budget as they seem to asking for a fantastic amount of tweaking if you really need to go this route.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

