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Another NorPrice Question

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    Another NorPrice Question

    Hi Norman

    We are using your excellent NorPrice currency conversion patch, and as we continue to tweak the look of our site to encourage overseas customers, we are are getting more and more overseas interest.

    Our main overseas customer is USA and therefore I was hoping it would be possible to preselect (for everyone) USD as the second currency?

    Therefore when a customer - from any country, enters the site, they would see the standard GBP price and the NorPrice USD price. Then on selecting another currency (using the standard NorPrice functionality) the USD would change.

    The reason for this request is that we feel too many overseas customers (who are mainly US based) are not selecting currency conversion button. We therefore think they are being put off by only seeing GBP prices.

    I appreciate this may incur additional costs to the standard patch but it would be worth it!

    KJ Beckett
    Men's Clothing & Accessories
    Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
    Bath, England
    Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
    Men's Fashion Blog

    All I can find without a huge amount of investigation is this:-

    Edit Act_Primary.html and look for
    replace with
    OnLoad="NETQUOTEVAR:ONLOAD;if ( document.cookie && document.cookie.indexOf('destcurr=') == -1) ) norpricepopup('USD');"
    (all on one long line).

    This should call the popup briefly. The popup sets the currency to $. Then
    the popup sets a cookie indicating the destination currency. Finally it
    reloads the page so that currency gets displayed.

    This may have unforseen consequences (page reloads continually) if there
    are problems setting the cookie (as the OnLoad will fire yet again when the page

    You'll have to try it (using various browsers through different Firewalls, etc) and see.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Automatically running Javascript once a person hits the site.

      Hi Norman

      Thanks I have installed this in all my Act_Primarys however on the few set-ups I have tested it on it doesnt work (e.g. it doesnt automatically select USD on entry).

      I was wondering if anyone else has any ideas with this. I effectively want to automatically run a piece of Javascript (currency conversion to show USD) as soon as a customer hits my site (from any entry url).

      Once it has been run, I only want the Javascript to run again when the customer presses the button (e.g. to select a new currency other than USD).

      KJ Beckett
      Men's Clothing & Accessories
      Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
      Bath, England
      Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
      Men's Fashion Blog


        Oops. There may be an extra ) in there. Try
        OnLoad="NETQUOTEVAR:ONLOAD;if ( document.cookie && (document.cookie.indexOf('destcurr=') == -1) ) norpricepopup('USD');"
        The way it is written it should only run if the popup hasn't already done it's stuff.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Well I tried that updated patch and it works but there's a big but. As it relies on a popup opening automatically - this will probably be blocked by all recent versions of Internet Explorer. It runs fine in my default installation of Firefox but not in my IE.

          Back to the drawing board.

          Remind me in early February as I have no free time until then.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



            I've managed to find a way that does exactly what you want. Since it's NorPrice specific I've posted it on where there's a NorPrice topic.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

