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Help please, has my site been hacked

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    Just above where the CONTENT tab is in Actinic there are three little buttons, these are the preview site buttons and you should select one which offers a preview pane in your PC browser window... your top page in the tree and see if your index page is shown.

    If not; ensure you save any custom templates or mods you have generated and what you want to do is select a new design from Design : Themes and click "Apply" which will generate a whole new site and generate a new index page for you. You should be able to see this now in the preview window...

    Personally I'd gut my vritual webserver space of all files at this stage just incase there's anything there that should not be, check your web settings match your new FTP passwords in Actinic (which you should have changed for security) and double check first that you don't delete any other files on your webserver - like images etc. Now refresh your site...

    All going well the problem should be sorted, if you were able to see the page in preview on your PC but this doesn't show up on the webserver speak to your host.


      PS - Your index.html page is under the main directory and not under /acatalog/ so you might want to check your settings under Advanced : Network Setup that the index page is stored to the correct place... and I don't think you have been hacked.

      Tip - Get Norman's mod at for rotation of images based upon radio button selection, your products with choices will come alive...


        Put a blank index.html in your website /acatalog/ folder now, pleae


        Your site is still wide open, because you have no index file in the /acatalog/ folder.

        When there is no index.html file, the browser returns a listing of all your files. Any half competent ill-wisher can see and download the files in your folder and can find information from these files that will allow then to gain access to your site.

        The BEST option is to call your catalog page index.html instead of shop.html.

        Whatever you do, you need to do it now.
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


          yep, I did that #14

          just off to try that now #15

          Any other ideas anyone?

          All the rubber your bikes need and some!


            really struggling with this guys

            no joy at all.

            configure web site details still returns the error about trying to modify access to a folder....

            a bit frustrating

            have wiped everything from the web space for a while

            All the rubber your bikes need and some!


              Use the "wizard" to do the configuration for you...

              In Design : Options : Site Defaults make sure your base page is index.html

     shouldn't need to change any network setup, you know that this works but as you have changed your username / password set (we assume) you need to change this in Advanced : Network in the ftp section.

              I'd think that if you just clear your head, check the base page name and confirm your ftp details as above the whole thing should work again.


                #21 the network setup doesn't work, that is the issue

                the configure website details returns an error when I try to set it up

                All the rubber your bikes need and some!


                  Also check with your webhost if you have been hacked. There may be problems with the server as a resultof the hack that you are not aware of, which could affect the upload.


                    #23 I just spoke with the host and asked them to reset it to the condition it would be in as if I had just bought it from them

                    Once that is done, I will try again....

                    All the rubber your bikes need and some!

