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Stock Updates when items are Cancelled

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    Stock Updates when items are Cancelled

    I have seen in earlier posts that the stock level for an item gets updated if an item previously ordered gets cancelled. Cancelling items happens for us sometimes due to returns, etc. However, I have just discovered that our stock information does not get updated when an item is cancelled. Does anyone else have this problem?

    We create hidden items that are linked to component permutations as is required to keep track of our stock that have different styles, sizes, and colors. Could this be the problem?

    Any help is appreciated as our stock is large enough that automatic stock control is needed.
    Roger Carr
    <A href="" target="_blank"></a>

    In 6.1.2 I did the following:

    - Set the stock level of a product to 27
    - Uploaded and ordered one of the item
    - Downloaded the order
    - Saw the stock level of the item had changed to 26
    - Went into the 'Line Items' tab and clicked 'Cancel' on the order line
    - The order went into the 'Completed' tab and then the stock level of the product went up to 27

    If this is not happening for you, you may want to check you are on the latest version (6.1.2).

    Hope that helps.


      I am sorry I didn't test further before posting. I was able to do exactly as you state and had the same result. I am also using Business 6.1.2.

      There is a difference in the item I had a problem with in that 2 items were ordered and only 1 was cancelled. I will do some further testing to determine if it is specific to that particular item or if it is being caused by doing a cancellation of part of a line item.
      Roger Carr
      <A href="" target="_blank"></a>

