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SMTP / Auth / Localhost / Errors

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    SMTP / Auth / Localhost / Errors


    I've trawled through all the posts onhere regarding smtp issues / connecting to authenticated servers on v6 (6.1.5).

    I've tried localhost without any success (not mailserver runinng locally)

    I've contacted our hosts support (, who ensure us that the smtp server we're on does not require stmp authentication (however when i try to connect to it in "popcorn" without stmp auth it doesn't work, and when i do use it, it does...)

    I've looked at the edit pactch to make the server use sendmail rather than smtp .. however i'm not sure if our hosts support it... a call to them left me more than worried at the level of technical ability.

    We have now installed a free smtp server on this machine and have had success doing testing in Popcorn to send out un-authenticated emails with success. however, actinic does seem to now get past a network test.. but still gets errors on the send button on the order side.

    I'm really at a loss... i think their might be something wrong with .... i don't believe anyone has eidted it, but may be possible..

    Could anyone send through a default version of for me to replace mine with?

    If not then the other method is to go through the sendmail patch and see if that works... however i'd rather not do that just yet.

    attached are a copy of the errors i recieve on send test..i've deleted my email from it... (the error message does look malformed that's why i suspect

    i can't upload my since it's above the size limit, but her eit is:

    any help would be great

    Attached Files

    There are some posts about easysapce smtp. localhost should work. maybe try updating the website and testing again.

    See this thread:

    And this page:


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thanks for the info,
      i read through both of those and could still not manage to get it to send any email out.

      any further ideas would be great.


        Problem Resolved.....

        Just incase anyone else ever comes across it...

        it turns out that the PC had microsoft's anti spyware on it and it was blocking the smtp attempts to localhost...

        Obvious when you think about it, it is a bit virus-esque using the local smtp to send out emails..

        cheers for all the help tho


          I assume you mean that MS anti-spyware was getting in the way when you were testing with some other program. Actinic passes emails up to the server and send them via smtp from there so MS anti-spyware won't be bothered by that.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


