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    We are shipping to the EIRE, but the EIRE do not have postcodes, is there any way i can hide the postcode field when EIRE is selected as the shipping location? i have already made the field not mandatory.

    Also, i am using protx as the psp, protx will not allow you to progress through the checkout without entering a postcode, has anyone had this issue before?

    Cheers andy.

    UPDATE: i contacted protx and you MUST pass a postcode value to their system, so as well as hiding the field i need to set the value to 1, just so there is something for protx to read


      Would passing a value of '1' be sufficient for PROTX or would they have a postcode for EIRE that they an advise you on using. If you can let me know this bit, I will then pass thes onto development to have a look at..

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King


        yes..this had me wondering when I procesed an order for Eire the other week.
        As we don't usually take non-UK orders, I was processing it offline and via the Protx virtual terminal so I just typed "Ireland" in the postcode field.
        It was obviously happy with that as it came back authorised (albeit with addresss not checked, inevitably)
        It's not ideal if the customer is entering details themselves though as it's likely to cause confusion and lead to aborted checkouts, no doubt!


          Can you try this please....

          If the Postcode field is set to non-mandatory, then you can do the following (in case, only ProtX form should be avoided empty post code fields):

          - open sites\{yoursite}\CommonOCC\
          - find the following lines:
          # add the invoice address and customer name

          - put the following lines before the lines above:

          if ((uc($::InvoiceContact{COUNTRY}) eq 'EIRE') &&
          (length($::InvoiceContact{POSTALCODE}) == 0))
          $::InvoiceContact{POSTALCODE} = '1111';
          if ((uc($::OCCShipData{COUNTRY}) eq 'EIRE') &&
          (length($::OCCShipData{POSTALCODE}) == 0))
          $::OCCShipData{POSTALCODE} = '1111';

          Where '1111' is the post code accepted by ProtX in case of EIRE.

          - save the file, then upload the site.

          I've tested with 1111, but it is not accepted by ProtX. The proper dummy post code should be requested from ProtX.

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King

