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Products disappearing from basket

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    Products disappearing from basket

    I've had several reports of this - people put an item in the basket but when they go to checkout it disappears, so they put it in again, but at checkout it's gone - but I can't replicate it myself with any of the 4 computers & 2 ISPs I use. Thought it might be a problem with cached stuff as we moved servers last week, but people tell me today was the first time they've looked at my site. Really not sure why it's happening or what is happening, or , as this is 5 reports in 3 days exactly how often it is happening!?

    The products so far I've had reported as doing this are: (2 reports) (2 reports)
    and in a large print (1 report)

    If anyopne can shed any light on this and suggest a cure I'd be very grateful
    Miranda Stamp
    Twinkle Twinkle
    Cloth nappies, potty training aids, slings, toiletries, organic baby clothing and more... for help with choosing the best nappy for you and your baby.
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    I've worked out the cure - but no idea why it happened. For some reason lots of my 'can be ordered online' buttons have become unticked. I am not going through and re-ticking them. The bizzare thing is its only some not all and they were working fine up till the day before yesterday as we have products ordered.
    Miranda Stamp
    Twinkle Twinkle
    Cloth nappies, potty training aids, slings, toiletries, organic baby clothing and more... for help with choosing the best nappy for you and your baby.
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