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Use different template for Search results?

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    Use different template for Search results?

    I wonder if any users have found a workaround for the problem of the TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP variable being stripped out of the simplesearch results template which allows you to continue using the variable on your main pages but the js-generated section menu on the search results page?

    Actinic support have said that there is no way to specify a template for the Search results page, i.e. it must always use the Act_Primary template, which means if I want to have a section list displaying on the results page I have to use the js menu throughout the site.

    I would much rather use the variable on the main site for the sake of the search-engine-friendly links it generates, so I wondered if anyone had found a way to use both..?

    Maybe you can try this, copy the generated code from a catalog page with the variable applied. Edit Act_Primary.html and comment out the NQV and replace this with the generated code. The issue will be that you will have to perform this everytime you make changes to the sections.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King

