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Experimenting with Taking Content Tree off Home Page

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    Experimenting with Taking Content Tree off Home Page

    I'm courting a new host because of unbelievable speed issues with my current one. My home page has been uploaded to a test server for demonstration purposes and I'm not unpleased with the load time or the consistency of the load time thoughout the day. Compared to where I am now, it's heaven.

    Even so, because of the length of my content tree and the size of the database the new host to be has been urging me to try something originally posted by Norman Rouxel to aid someone else having slow home page load time.
    It goes like this:

    Edit Act_Primary.html and replace

    look for the fragment
    and replace with

    So I tried it.
    (Since I'm such a monkey see, monkey do dolt with regard to code, I tried the
    first part two ways. I wasn't sure exactly how Norman meant for it to be done.)

    and then
    It didn't seem to make any difference.

    The net result is that the content tree has vanished from all pages, but the home page, which is what the experiment was for in the first place.

    Part of the design of the home page is for a prospective buyer to see all the brands I've available. It also permits instant access to all the products for a given brand name. Since I'm reasonably happy with the load time on the test server via the intended new host, I'll probably put everything back like it was. It's a matter of curiosity at this point to see how much faster the home page would load without the content tree.

    So I'm trying to gain an understanding of why the change worked everywhere, but the home page.

    You probably shouldn't go here unless you have a high speed connection and


    I replied to an earlier thread about your site and mentioned your download speed and it does not seem to have improved at my end. It is still due to those large images you have on the homepage i think.

    I dont know about the nav links problem sorry!


      I appreciate your input. It's still slow because the speed issue has not been addressed where the site is now located. That's why I'm changing hosts. It's primarily a crowded server problem. This has been proven by it's location on a test server at another host.

      On the test server, depending on the time of day and on which of four computers it's been tried, all with high speed connections and download speeds ranging from 3200kbs/sec(approx.) to 4600kbs/sec(approx.), the home page is loading in 4-6 seconds with the images and the content tree as they are now.

      I can live with that. This post is a matter of curiosity if anyone cares to field the question.

      The test location is at...



        Act_Primary controls the overall layout of the shop pages

        Act_BrochurePrimary controls the overall layout of the brochure pages

        Changes made in Act_Primary will not affect brochure pages, changes made in Act_BrochurePrimary will not affect the shop pages. Does that answer your question?

        I tried the link to the test server and it took about 30 seconds to load first time (1024/512 Broadband).
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


          Yup, that answered it.

          Disappointed to read about the long load time where you are. My computer is slower and my download speed slightly less than my compadres and I'm seeing the home page within 8-10 seconds on the test server right now. Earlier this afternoon it was 6-8 seconds. I don't get it. Prior to every test for each of three browsers, cookies, cache, etc. are always cleared, so I know I'm getting a true test of download time. Can proximity to the server be a factor in all of this?

          I've got to get it worked out as well as it can be for all people in all places at all times of the day.

          Okay, new question.....
          How do I keep my 1.5MB Act_sectiontree.js file from showing on the home page?


            Try making the same changes to Act_BrochurePrimary as you did to Act_Primary
            Same day flower delivery to UK
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              You'll find the correct answer here
              Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
              BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
              Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
              VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
              Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                Originally posted by
                Try making the same changes to Act_BrochurePrimary as you did to Act_Primary
                Not viable. One is in Aramaic, the other in Hebrew. I can't read either, but I know when something looks completely different.



                  I posted just before you, you may have missed my post.
                  Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                  BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                  Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                  VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                  Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                    I'm here. I was looking for something to do while uploading. I could have searched all night and not found that post. You and Tracey would make a great team.

                    Well, so much for balance. I'm beginning to understand how a writer feels after a movie studio gets through with his/her book. It barely resembles the original, but it satisfies all parties involved, except the writer.

                    May I please have some feedback on the load time of what's left of my home page. Some difference should be seen even on a busy server, shouldn't it?





                      Much improved speed - I had a full page on screen in 8 seconds. Well, I say a full page - but the left hand side does look a little bare now, without the full section tree

                      Almost makes you want to split the products into more sections, doesn't it.<joke>

                      Well done, Charles. A tremendous effort and one I hope you take some pride in.
                      Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                      BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                      Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                      VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                      Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                        Originally posted by Charles Bastari

                        May I please have some feedback on the load time of what's left of my home page. Some difference should be seen even on a busy server, shouldn't it?




                        Your long download times are due to very heavy images, I made some quick checks and all your images can be redusced in weight by more than 2/3 without loosing quality.



                          Work on your images and you will see a massive improvement in your download times.


                            Norman has a PHP navigation system which will also improve download time.

                            I haven't seen the site yet, it hasn't become visible to me whilst writing this response


                              Bill, thanks so much. If you hadn't taken me under your wing the past few months the appearance wouldn't be half what it is (was).

                              I've taken it to the extreme. No images. Zip, nada, none. Since it's early and the server isn't busy the home page is loading for me before I click on it. Now that the Site Seal has moved so far up, it looks like a government site. I'll rework the home page when I get moved.

                              Anyone else still seeing delays? Were the images the remaining problem for some?

                              I appreciate the feedback.


