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Which payment gateway?

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    Which payment gateway?

    Hi all. I'm going live soon and need some payment-taking vehicle. Merchant account will be sorted soon.

    Which gateway should I use. Protx look very good price wise but I understand they are quite unreliable. Apparently at Christmas they were awful. I can't find much info post christmas though.

    I can't go with worldpay as they rejected my application

    What are your experiences with protx and similar such as secpay, esecure etc?

    I haven't use the ones that you mentioned below but i have set up with paypal (no need for merchant number)

    but also i have set up with HSBCepayments which i have found pretty good. it may take you a bit of time to set up but in my thinking the fact that it is a World wide known bank may increase the trust of your customers. i do not know about the charges others have to pay but if you want to know mine mail me


      A thorough search of the forum will bring up a load of threads on this subject.

      All PSPs have their pros and cons.

      Read the posts to make up your own mind as what is good for one person can be lousy for another


        Thanks guys. I already did quite a thorough search and found round about Christmas had lots of issues for protx. Since then there has been little to read. No news may well be good news. Anybody comment or recommend?

