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Advanced Search

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    Advanced Search

    Hi can anyone help me.

    I have been designing a web and everything seems to be working great, except for the advanced search.

    When I do a search the results are displayed ok but when I click the link none of the images in the page template or the css are found

    An example of this can be found if a search for bed is done.
    Can anyone help me with this?

    Is Actinic controlling the upload of the images for your site or have you manually controlled them, i.e. I see a number of image pre-loads and mouse over effects which do not look Actinic defaults, so would guess that as Actinic is not controlling them due to the mouse over code you are using in java, that the referrer element is being ignored or maybe even not present within your templates. Do a search for the actinic referrer tag that needs to be in the primary template, which should put you on the right track to start, but also think because Actinic is not controlling the images that it can not rewrite paths to the images, thus they are broken when progressing through the cart, as actinic is looking within the cgi-bin for images which actually exist within the acatalog folder.

