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PayPal advise needed

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    PayPal advise needed

    I have just added PayPal to the site, as an addition to my Streamline terminal, hopefully to convert more browsers into buyers.

    Selling over the counter in the shop and also through Catalog can cause problems with stock control. I frequently have to cancel items from Catalog orders due to selling out or not having enough items in stock, particularly where 'Choices' are involved and a blanket stock in hand figure is used.

    With the PayPal setup the total of the order is processed on order completion. Ideally I would like to complete the order in the same way as I do with my terminal i.e. only charge for the goods actually supplied.

    Doing it this way would eliminate the need for refunds and would mean that I was not paying PayPal charges on the order value, irrespective of the value of the final invoice.

    So, is there an easy way to set this up, so that I can apply charges to the customers PayPal account after proccessing the order.

    As you can see from the question I am new to PayPal and do not fully understand the workings of the system.
    Mick Jackson
    Jackson's Fishing Tackle

    We have the exact same problem so I'd also be interested in any ideas anybody has, but I fear that due to the nature of the checkout/PayPal process, this isn't really feasible.

    I suppose one way would be to have PayPal customers submit the order in the same way as "Payment Sent Separately" and then issue them an invoice through PayPal . . . but it's a bit sloppy and I think it would put many customers off.
    Mandrake Press Ltd

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


      I would have thought that invoicing through PayPal was not necessary, just send a Pro-Forma invoice through the Catalog e-mail system and then send a PayPal payment request for the total quoting the invoice number.

      Or is that too easy?

      I already have a template for a Pro-Forma invoice in Catalog which would suffice if this method is possible.

      What I really would like to know is, if this method is feasable, which payment method to use. The only one suitable that is unused is 'Payment on account.'
      Mick Jackson
      Jackson's Fishing Tackle


        Originally posted by David@MPL
        I suppose one way would be to have PayPal customers submit the order in the same way as "Payment Sent Separately" and then issue them an invoice through PayPal . . . but it's a bit sloppy and I think it would put many customers off.
        Thats what we do. Not ideal, but seems to work okay actually. Only problem is when it can take sometimes a day or two for customers to complete the payment via the invoice you send.
        Football Heaven

        For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


          And presumably there's the delay between the customer placing the order and you issuing the invoice i.e. when orders are placed at night/weekends. Mind you, seen as we're talking about checking stock, that's to be expected . . . ignore my rambling.
          Mandrake Press Ltd

          <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


            You can also bear in mind that if you DO find you are having to make refunds... Paypal (unlike main PSPs) refund the FEES also so you only end up paying the Paypal fees on the balance of the transaction and no additional fees for the refund itself. IYSWIM!
            Merchant account providers could learn a thing or 2 from that!



              Did not realise that PayPal refunded the fees with a credit. Makes my original query redundant, as you have answered the question I did not think to ask.

              Will now rest easy in the knowledge that I will not be 'ripped off' when I cannot delivery 100% of the items ordered.

              Mick Jackson
              Jackson's Fishing Tackle


                no probs... glad I could help (I have my uses!)

