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Shipping driving me nuts

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    Shipping driving me nuts

    I have site selling photographic images. It's not quite fully developed yet (ha! ha!).

    Anyways my query is this:
    I want visitors to have the option of buying a picture as either a digital download, or as an inkjet print. (Initially it was all going to be distibuted via digital download). All the products are set up for distribution via DD.

    I want some of the images to also be available as prints. So I have set up a product (using a component) to give the option of choosing a print or a download. One of the choices within the component is for DD, (with an associated product). This associated product has the DD file linked to it

    The problem is with the shipping. DD have no shipping cost but I need to set up the prints with a shipping cost.

    If I set up a shipping table how can i get the DDs to be zero and set a shipping price for the prints.

    I tried ship by weight with a default of zero for the DDs. You cannot set zero as the default. You cannot set the associated (with the DD linked to it) product's weight to zero as this does not work. Actinic takes the shipping weight from the initial product and not from anything associated by a component.

    I've thought about including the P&P in with the price of thr print, but what if someone from overeseas orders a print? postage will be a damn sight more than in the UK.

    Any ideas? I'm going nuts trying to get my head round this.

    Chris Lamle

    Chris, after all this time I assume you have a solution. If not, why not set a new shipping class as 'digital download' and shipping cost of zero?
    Kind regards,
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      If you set the weight of the main product to '0', and the weight of the product associated with the digital download choice to '0', and then create a weight band for zero weight with zero cost, then this should work fine.

      You can then just enter a weight for the product associated with the 'print' choice.

      Note: If you leave a shipping weight field blank, it will take the weight you assign as the default weight in 'Business Settings | Shipping and Handling'.



        Can you fix the next version to have a zero default weight option. That way I can set all my products to zero automatically. or have some set up with shipping that enables shipping to be switched off for digital downloads.

        Is there really no other way? I'll have to go through and edit every single !?@@?## product. Damn.

        It really is a major issue to be addressed in the next release.

        Chris Lamle



          I agree with you that we should be able to have '0' as a default weight option. I will relay this to the development team.

          For now, you are going to have to manually set the weight of each item.

