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Cart Info in separtate frame

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    Cart Info in separtate frame


    I am looking to design a site in Dreamweaver with frames. What I want to do is have a constant display of the cart total in a separate frame from where the main page content appears.

    I would also like to add a Checkout button to the same frame.

    Can anyone please point me in the right direction for doing this please? I only have very basic HTML skills by I am a copy and paste king :-D



    Hi Andy - not an answer to the question but why exactly do you need to use frames?

    Frames are a nightmare in this day and age and there may be an alternative solution to what you are after.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thanks for the response.

      I would like to use frames as it looks a little neater and I'd like to have navigation buttons and menus handy and the site banner visble at all times.

      I have heard that some people don't like using frameesbut have never found any of the sites I have viewed to cause problems.

      I am very open to suggestion however, and interested to know why frames should be avoided....I am a novice at this afterall.

      Many thanks,



        Actually, I have just done a little reseach and can see what you mean. Thanks for the tip.


          There are several pre-built themes under Design | Themes | Specific Designs non CSS where you will see (framed) after the theme name.... you can modify these accordingly.

          Frames are generally considered bad news for accessability and for search engine spidering. All the advice on SEO is try and avoid frames wherever possible. There are issues with cached pages and users linking straight to the page and bypassing the frameset all together. I had a frameset site about 4 years back and ditched it for a single page with hardcoded navigation (pre my Actinic days) and the page ranks jumped immediately post design and the error.log file reduced at the same time for page not found errors.

          Good site layout should mean users do not have to scroll more than 1 or at the most 2 page folds so are not that far away from your top level navigation.. if you are concerned about user navigation you can always add in the bread crumb trail at the bottom of the page to help if you have a long section (page).

          If you can do without frames I would really consider dropping the idea IMHO

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            Thank for that.

            Pretty compelling reasons. i will reconsider the design in that case as I need all the visibility I can get



