I have a piece of perl code (included below) that I have given by TradeDoubler in order to track my sales that come from Kelkoo. I assume the code goes into os000001.pl but I don't know perl at all so I have no idea where it needs to gowithin the script. Does anyone have any ideas? Additionally there are certain variables such as order number and order value that need to be dynamically added to the code for each order, how do I change this script in order to incluse these variables?
Any help would be much appreciated
Bruce Wallace
Perl Code:
use Digest::MD5;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI::Session;
my $cgi = new CGI;
#Set session either from cookie, request or undef, using sessionId
my $session = new CGI::Session(undef, $cgi, {Directory=>File::Spec->tmpdir});
print CGI->header(), CGI->start_html();
#This part should be implemented after you have retrieved all variables and displayed
#the receipt.
my $tduid = $session->param(-name=>'tduid');
my $cookie = CGI->cookie("TRADEDOUBLER");
if ( !$cookie eq "" ) {
$tduid = $cookie;
$ctx = Digest::MD5->new;
$ordernumber = "111";
#ordervalue = total including shipping and taxes.
#Cannot consist of , (comma) or spaces. Important no thousand separators.
#Decimal sign is . (dot).
#Shall be 1 if tracking a lead
$ordervalue = "102.50";
#organization = id number, provided by TradeDoubler
$organization = 222404;
#Supplied by TradeDoubler
$event = 1212;
#secretcode = integer to use in checksum algorithm, provided by TradeDoubler
$secretcode = "1121";
#currency = 3-letter code for currency of value1. Only needed if tracking a sale.
$currency = "GBP";
#Here is the checksum algorithm
#v04 stands for version 4 of checksum.
$ctx->add($secretcode . $ordernumber . $ordervalue);
$checksum = "v04" . $ctx->hexdigest;
#////////////////////////(Optional feature)///////////////////////////
#Product report
#Example product (you can add multiple products.
#Add | between them (f1...&f2...&f3...|f1...&f2...&f3...) )
#f1 is product number
#f2 is product name
#f3 is product value. Use dot (.) as decimal sign and no thousand separators.
#Bellow is an example, you must replace the products values.
$reportInfo = "f1=ProdNR01&f2=ProdName1&f3=100.00|f1=ProdNR02&f2=ProdName2&f3=1000.00";
#Important! reportInfo parameter need to be URLEncoded in UTF-8 format.
$reportInfo = urlencode($reportInfo);
This product is the subject of patent no. 9904115-4, filed 1999 - 2001
© 2004 TradeDoubler AB
#//review info. This information should be provided if customer is participating
#//in a review
#//name is the customers name
#//email is the customers email
#//expDeliveryDate is the expected delivery date of the purchase
$review = "name=A Andersson&email=a.andersson@hotmail.com&expDeliveryDate=2005-09-01";
#Important! review parameter need to be URLEncoded in UTF-8 format.
$review = urlencode($review);
#//Example where the customer has accepted to receive a review email
$reviewApprove = $cgi->param('reviewApprove');
#//The review parameter should be empty if the customer should not get a //review mail
if(($reviewApprove eq '')){
$review = "";
sub urlencode{
my($esc) = @_;
$esc =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//gs;
$esc =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_\-.])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg;
$esc =~ s/ /\+/g;
$esc =~ s/%20/\+/g;
return $esc;
print "<img
eportInfo&tduid=$tduid&review=$review\" >\n";
#To test if TradeDoubler works, login on the website and click on "Check #implementation"
#in the menu. Follow the instructions on this page to complete the test.
print CGI->end_html();
I have a piece of perl code (included below) that I have given by TradeDoubler in order to track my sales that come from Kelkoo. I assume the code goes into os000001.pl but I don't know perl at all so I have no idea where it needs to gowithin the script. Does anyone have any ideas? Additionally there are certain variables such as order number and order value that need to be dynamically added to the code for each order, how do I change this script in order to incluse these variables?
Any help would be much appreciated
Bruce Wallace
Perl Code:
use Digest::MD5;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI::Session;
my $cgi = new CGI;
#Set session either from cookie, request or undef, using sessionId
my $session = new CGI::Session(undef, $cgi, {Directory=>File::Spec->tmpdir});
print CGI->header(), CGI->start_html();
#This part should be implemented after you have retrieved all variables and displayed
#the receipt.
my $tduid = $session->param(-name=>'tduid');
my $cookie = CGI->cookie("TRADEDOUBLER");
if ( !$cookie eq "" ) {
$tduid = $cookie;
$ctx = Digest::MD5->new;
$ordernumber = "111";
#ordervalue = total including shipping and taxes.
#Cannot consist of , (comma) or spaces. Important no thousand separators.
#Decimal sign is . (dot).
#Shall be 1 if tracking a lead
$ordervalue = "102.50";
#organization = id number, provided by TradeDoubler
$organization = 222404;
#Supplied by TradeDoubler
$event = 1212;
#secretcode = integer to use in checksum algorithm, provided by TradeDoubler
$secretcode = "1121";
#currency = 3-letter code for currency of value1. Only needed if tracking a sale.
$currency = "GBP";
#Here is the checksum algorithm
#v04 stands for version 4 of checksum.
$ctx->add($secretcode . $ordernumber . $ordervalue);
$checksum = "v04" . $ctx->hexdigest;
#////////////////////////(Optional feature)///////////////////////////
#Product report
#Example product (you can add multiple products.
#Add | between them (f1...&f2...&f3...|f1...&f2...&f3...) )
#f1 is product number
#f2 is product name
#f3 is product value. Use dot (.) as decimal sign and no thousand separators.
#Bellow is an example, you must replace the products values.
$reportInfo = "f1=ProdNR01&f2=ProdName1&f3=100.00|f1=ProdNR02&f2=ProdName2&f3=1000.00";
#Important! reportInfo parameter need to be URLEncoded in UTF-8 format.
$reportInfo = urlencode($reportInfo);
This product is the subject of patent no. 9904115-4, filed 1999 - 2001
© 2004 TradeDoubler AB
#//review info. This information should be provided if customer is participating
#//in a review
#//name is the customers name
#//email is the customers email
#//expDeliveryDate is the expected delivery date of the purchase
$review = "name=A Andersson&email=a.andersson@hotmail.com&expDeliveryDate=2005-09-01";
#Important! review parameter need to be URLEncoded in UTF-8 format.
$review = urlencode($review);
#//Example where the customer has accepted to receive a review email
$reviewApprove = $cgi->param('reviewApprove');
#//The review parameter should be empty if the customer should not get a //review mail
if(($reviewApprove eq '')){
$review = "";
sub urlencode{
my($esc) = @_;
$esc =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//gs;
$esc =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_\-.])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg;
$esc =~ s/ /\+/g;
$esc =~ s/%20/\+/g;
return $esc;
print "<img
eportInfo&tduid=$tduid&review=$review\" >\n";
#To test if TradeDoubler works, login on the website and click on "Check #implementation"
#in the menu. Follow the instructions on this page to complete the test.
print CGI->end_html();