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    Site Test results

    Hi, if anybody wouldn't mind, I'd be grateful if my test site could be viewed for help. It is

    From where I'm sitting, the following things don't work:
    Type search box
    View Basket button
    Checkout button
    Add to Basket function.

    I'm sure some of you have experienced similar problems. I'm very, very close to getting this project nailed down. Any help, is GREATLY APPRECIATED!

    I suugest you check out that perl is working properly on your server , or that you have generated the cgi scripts.

    All the things you say don't work are perl/cgi


      I will contact my ISP. In the meantime, with the risk of sounding clueless, how do I generate the scripts and what do I do with them after that. Many thanks


        I would try a complete site refresh.

        As you watch the files being uploaded you will see .pl files being uploaded these are the perl files.

        Then check the contents of your cgi-bin are there a load of files there ?

        eg and so on


          Thanks for your suggestions, which I've tried but just refuses to work.

          I've made sure the directory structure is correct (as viewed in my ftp browser).
          I've generated the scripts
          I've uploaded them to the cgi and other relevant folders.
          I've updated and refreshed the website. Lot's of times!

          Please help! If I can sort out this huge technical hurdle, then I can get the rest of the catalog uploaded and then get on with the rest of my life!!!

          Many thanks


            tell us your network settings and your host
            Owner of a broken heart


              When I look at it the page it is trying to display is a preview.html page, which might be why the scripts aren't working.

              This might hep more knowledgeable people out there - is there a switch to say the site is not in preview mode ?

              <DIV align=left><strong><FONT color=#800080>David
              <DIV align=left>
              <HR align=left width="50%">
              </DIV><DIV align=left><font face="Bookman Old Style" color="#800080" size=3>Travel health products for the
              adventurous traveller</FONT><p><font face="Bookman Old Style" color="#800080">
              <a href=""></a></font></DIV>


                I thought Preview mode was only when the site was viewed on the local machine. You can't have preview mode on remote server....can you?

                we need to see the network settings....


                  Do you have a URL
                  Owner of a broken heart




                      ahh I am just as bad because I have looked
                      Owner of a broken heart


                        Thank you all .... I will supply network settings when I get home this evening. It does look as if it is calling preview pages though doesn't it.

                        My host is Areti (, whom I also got Actinic Catalog from. They seem very good so far.

                        Once more, I thank everyone for their time and help.


                          ok, here are the network settings. I thought it'd be easier to see it as how I see it, hence the graphic.
                          Attached Files


                            Try this

                            path from cgi to acatalog: ./acatalog/ or ../acatalog

                            path to cgi bin: /cgi-bin/
                            Owner of a broken heart


                              When I try your suggestion and run the Test in Network Setup, I get Warning messages of invalid paths or invalid Catalog URL (which I get when I alter the Path from CGI-BIN ...).

                              Any other ideas? I am completely lost. Surely, the solution is a simple one. After all Actinic shouldn't be that complicated, should it?


