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Login Password Reminder

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    Login Password Reminder

    I am looking to add the facility for a customer who has forgotten their user name and password to email a simple request for a reminder from the login page has anyone done this and if so which page should i be looking at

    The template Act_LoginPage.html is the page (lots of perl) which controls and displays the prompts for the login, but it will not be possible to add a function for automatic login, but do a search in this template for

    TABLE WIDTH="450"

    and that will give you the beginning of where the html is for the login page, which if you place a break after the NETQUOTEVAR:UNREGISTERED and some message with an email mailto: to send you a physical email address, then that would possibly serve the purpose you need...

    If you wanted to go the full hog, then you or someone (this is a suggestion) could programme some scripts that takes receipt of piped emails (to a certain address) matches it up against one in its Db and then emails the password to that valid email address (if the email address is listed), as Actinic is manually controlled for usernames and passwords, so it would entail a manual 'dual' system of maintaining some other solution with the username, password and email address in it, for it to work - but that is the full hog

