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How do i get the sub-sections not to be displayed in the left-hand pane?

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    How do i get the sub-sections not to be displayed in the left-hand pane?

    I want to have a list of 6-7 sections, and then have sub-sections which lead onto the products.

    However the sub-sections are listed below the sections in the left-hand pane, but i dont want them to be.

    How can i get around this?


    Section 1 ---> sub-section 1 --->Product 1
    sub-section 2 --->Product 2
    sub-section 3--->Product 3
    Section 2---> sub-section 1 ---> Product 1
    sub-section 2 ---> Product 2

    Take a look within the Advanced User Guide (pick the v7 one) and then in chapter 3 it will detail a number of examples for creating lists of sections in different styles (plus sub sections) which you can pick and choose from to meet your needs..

    Hope that helps.


      I had the same experience when I was experimenting around some time ago. I tried making my first main section a new section under acatalog/shop. This caused the new main section and it's sub-sections to appear in the content tree on the left of the page.

      I gave it up and went back to my original way which was make my first main section a sub-section of 'select items from a list'. This way only my main sections show in the content tree.

      It's working for me.

