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problem adding products to the basket

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    problem adding products to the basket

    i have added new items to my website and have committed a fatal error, now when you click on any item it gives you the same error message -

    The following product(s) can not be added to the basket.
    You can find the error description(s) by following the link(s).

    Then the item title appears eg: Daisy

    i know it is probably something very simple but it is frustrating the hell out of me!


    Taking a look at the source code on teh site I see this bit..
    </span></td></tr><tr><td align="LEFT"><span class="actxsmall"><Actinic:ACTIONS></Actinic:ACTIONS></span> </td></tr> </TABLE></div><DIV ALIGN="RIGHT"><a name="sectionbottom"> <HR><Actinic:CartError_List/><P><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Buy Now" NAME="SINGLEADD"></P></a></DIV><a name="sectionbottom"> </a> <br><br><span class="actxsmall"></span>
    This should actually be
    </span></td></tr><tr><td align="LEFT" colspan="2"><span class="actxsmall"> <br><Actinic:ACTIONS><P><INPUT TYPE="IMAGE" SRC="addtocart.gif" NAME="3" WIDTH="88" HEIGHT="20" BORDER="0" ALT="Add To Cart"></P></Actinic:ACTIONS></span>
    The Add to cart function should come between the <Actinic:ACTIONS></Actinic:ACTIONS> tags, else it will not function, that is one of the reasons for the problem. The other is that you need to use NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTQUANTITY on the productline template if you want to carry over the quantity, You are using a text area field to bring in teh info, you need to use an Input Type= filed there.

    Try replacing the existing template you are using with a default one from the Format | Themes Folder you will find in C:\Program Files\Actinic vx\

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      thanks i have now rectified this but, now my image for my first product has disappeared, it is there when you look but you upload but doesn't appear when uploaded onto the site and it is only for this product what have i done wrong?


        Is the image in your site1 folder and is the product linked to the filename in the site1 folder?

        What you are describing usually happens when you try to point at an image somewhere else on your hard disk. You see it locally, because the path to file exists on your machine, but not on the site where the path is invalid.
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