when I try to amend the actinic template in dreamweaver I am getting an error in dreamweaver
While executing canInspectSelection in act_templateinsp.htm, the following Javascript error occurs:
At line 8 of file /Dreamweaver MX2004/Configuartion/Inspectors/act_templateinsp.js TypeError: ActObj has no properties.
I was wondering if anybody else has had a similar problem and if the problem lies with dreamweaver or actinic....
Thanks in advance
While executing canInspectSelection in act_templateinsp.htm, the following Javascript error occurs:
At line 8 of file /Dreamweaver MX2004/Configuartion/Inspectors/act_templateinsp.js TypeError: ActObj has no properties.
I was wondering if anybody else has had a similar problem and if the problem lies with dreamweaver or actinic....
Thanks in advance