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Sum of component prices

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    Sum of component prices

    Hello all, first up the site went live yesterday, check it out over at

    After an attempted intergration with sage, we found out that the client builds every product on the site from a base libary of products.

    SO a GF1 system is actually Liner x 30 and Carton x 30

    I have set this up using components and associated products, and the system is working as far as i can tell.

    One problem is, although i have the price set to "sum of component prices" if i do not give the main product a price then nothing shows up.

    Any ideas how i get it to display the price as the sum of the components? (as i assumed it would!)

    Cheers. Andy

    Have a look at permutations
    You may have to slide the prices bar along a bit to show price box.
    Mine was hidden, took ages to workout where it was.
    Mark Gilder


      i don't have any permutations because the items are not optional.


        First off check that all the components can be ordered online (the tickbox on the general tab)
        Then check the component is selected as a Assciated Product and that the 'Use Associated Product Prices' tickbox is selected.
        Your pricing model should then be either 'Sum of Product and Component Prices' or 'Sum of Component Prices'...
        I hope this helps.

