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Launching cart in pop up window

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    Launching cart in pop up window


    I'm building a shopping cart to place on a picture gallery website at .

    I want visitors to be able to browse the gallery and link to the shopping cart in a pop up window by clicking on a button underneath the large images (yet to be added).

    I want to do something like I see at the example site on the Actinic site for Niki Gorick .

    Is this a case of making alterations to the templates so that they fit in the pop up window? Or am I missing something.

    Advice please anyone.

    Debbie Ormston

    The site you mention was done by having custom written pages with custom pop-up code on them for popping open new windows.

    The page it popped open is an Actinic store page in the 'acatalog' folder. They have customised the overall layout tempate of the Actinic store pages in order to remove most navigation buttons and to fit the entire store within the width of the pop-up window.

    If you are using a theme hase on stylesheets (which you really should be) you can edit the width of the whole store by editing the ACTSTDWIDTH value in 'Design | Options | Site Defaults'.

    You can then edit the overall layout template (normally Act_Primary.html) to strip out most of the navigation. The Advanced User Guide tells you insert individual navigation buttons.


      Thanks Chris.

      That's pretty much the way I figured it. So it raises a couple more questions (sorry!)

      1 Which would be the best theme to work with ... I think Layout 3 in the Clean Layouts is closest to what I want to build. So would that be the best starting point? And is that layout driven by actinic.css?

      2 When I apply a theme to the catalog, it doesn't seem to be doing it across all the pages when I preview. For example I changed the theme to Layout 3, and then back to Business CSS, but now only the top level of the Catalog seems to be picking up the them correctly. At the section level, it seems to be showing the Layout 3 layout with the Business CSS graphics (not v. nice!)

      Hope you can help

      Debbie Ormston


        1 Which would be the best theme to work with ... I think Layout 3 in the Clean Layouts is closest to what I want to build. So would that be the best starting point?

        Layout03 sounds perfect.

        And is that layout driven by actinic.css?


        2 When I apply a theme to the catalog, it doesn't seem to be doing it across all the pages when I preview.

        Ensure you are doing a full offline preview rather than a page preview. Go to 'Web | Offline Preview' to do this.



          Thanks again. Can I just say that the level of support from you through this form is outstanding and much appreciated.

          Now ... more questions

          I have a background image which imitates the bar at the top of Layout 3. In my picture gallery this is inserted using the style sheet and a small background image. I see that I can place a background image using Actinic, but when I do that it repeats both horizontally (which I want) and vertically (which I don't!). Where can I change the repeat value?

          And ... can I use absolutely position DIVs in the main product template to position my navigation buttons?


          Debbie Ormston



            There is no way in HTML to control the tiling of background images. You are going to have to create a very tall thin image for the background, but on longer pages, people are still going to see where it tiles vertically. You are better off inserting a table at the top of your design with a coloured background.

            With regards to DIVs, I have never done this personally, but it might work.


              Hi Chris

              I was thinking of using the stylesheet to control the tiling of the background image. Can I just add a rule to the actinic.css stylesheet that controls the template?

              That's how I'm controlling the tiling in my gallery pages.

              I'll give the DIVS a go and see whether it works!

              Thanks for the help
              Debbie Ormston

