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Cart Redirect

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    Cart Redirect

    I have searched the forums for anybody experiencing this particular problem, but have found nothing.

    When somebody adds something to the cart, we want them to be redirected to the page they came from.

    This works fine the first time they add to cart, however, if they then add another item to the cart they get returned to the first page where they added to cart and not the last page where they added to cart.

    The site is version 6.1.5.

    Any ideas?
    Phil Vellender

    WNW Design

    Hi Philip,

    I have seen this happen when the 'Catalog' and 'CGI-BIN' URLs in the 'Advanced | Network' setup screen contain the URL without the 'www'. If the customer then goes into the shop using 'www' it causes this problem. My suggestion would be to update your URLs and then update the site. To ensure that it works for you, you should also delete your cookies and possibly your online session files (Help | Troubleshooting | Purge Session Files - available from v6.1.0 onwards). Only do this when you know your site is quiet as it will delete the shopping carts of anyone shopping on your site at that time.


      Hi Tracey

      Just a quick update so that others experiencing these problems know what to look for.

      You were correct in your analysis of the problem, in that it was the beginning of the URLs in the Network Setup that was causing the error. However, rather than the www part being omitted, it was different. i.e. We have now changed this to and everything is working as it should.

      Thanks for your help on the matter.
      Phil Vellender

      WNW Design

