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Can Anyone Help with Legend (formerly Businessserve) Web Stats Package?

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    Can Anyone Help with Legend (formerly Businessserve) Web Stats Package?

    Dear Community

    Having used Actinic (V7) for the past 10 months we have been really pleased with it.

    Our ISP is Legend (formerly BusinessServe) and as part of this we get their Webstats package. This worked very well with our previous Software () but isn't working with Actinic.

    From past threads and the limited info I can get from Legend, I understand I need to add a short piece of Javascript HTML to the Act_Primary.html page in the <body> text.

    I have added the text as per instructions (and as I see someone else advises in an old thread), but it appears not to make any difference - still no stats.

    I also get an error message within Actinic (Internet Explorer Error, Line 9, Character 56, Error Expected ';' URL: Previewhtml/P.Shop.html)

    Can anyone point in the right direction of where I am going wrong?

    From the message - you are missing the semi-colon on one of the javascript lines. Check the code slowly and carefully and if you still see nothing wrong, you can post the code here for others to look at.
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      Still Can't Get it Right

      Thanks for reply Bill. You'll have to forgive me, I'm still learning at this!

      Anyway, my ISP's rather sketchy instructions seem to indicate that the following code should be copied & pasted into the homepage's HTML code:-

      <script type="text/javascript">


      var n = escape(navigator.appName);

      var r = escape(top.document.referrer);

      var url = "" r "&n=" n;

      var img = "<img src="" url "">";




      I went into 'Design', 'Options', 'Layout', then altered the 'default overall layout' (which in my case is Centred Primary Template), and inserted the code with in the Body text, right at the bottom.

      I also did the same with the 'Centered Brochure Primary Template', via the 'Brochure' tab of the same.

      Where have I gone wrong anybody, or what should I have done? I'm struggling on this one. The website is working fine, but Stats still recording hits properly....




        Hi there,

        my ISP's rather sketchy instructions seem to indicate that the following code should be copied & pasted into the homepage's HTML code:-
        If you need to put the code on your homepage, then you would need to edit Act_BrochurePrimary.html (OR) go to 'Design | Options | Brochure' and edit the 'Overall Layout'

        <script type="text/javascript">
        var n = escape(navigator.appName);
        var r = escape(top.document.referrer);
        var url = "" r "&n=" n;
        var img = "<img src="" url "">";
        Though I'm not an expert in JavaScript, I guess the image source seems to be missing in the above code.

        Please check with your ISP or Webstats provider, whether the code is complete.
        Suresh Babu G

