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components, associated product and stock control AGAIN!

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    components, associated product and stock control AGAIN!

    Can somebody from Actinic PLEASE confirm that the issue of incorrect stock control with components is being or has been sorted?

    I have products (pyjamaS) that are "mix and match" and, in order to allow a customer to order more than one pair, I have to have a maxiumum order level of more than 1, obviously.

    Thing is, even though the stock control for the associated products is set up correctly (stock levels correct, suspend levels correct and max orderable correct) it STILL allows customers to order to BELOW the stock level of an item (top/trousers pr whichever) just because the max orderable for the master product (the one with the components ) is not exceeded.

    This is a consistent problem for me and I would really like Actinic to tell me (and no doubt others who suffer the same problems) if or whether it is being addressed?

    If anyone else who has these problems can voice their concerns too, that'd be a great help! so it's not just me

    Hi Tracey,

    This issue was already reported by you and it has been raised as a severe bug, which is open and the development team are still working on it.
    Suresh Babu G


      ok...that's all well and good... any ideas when it will be resolved? V8?
      It gives me stock control problems EVERY day and I'm sick to death of having to email customers explaining that, yes they were able to order 2 online but we only have one!
      And is the problem with offline ordering/components/stock control/associated products fixed in 7.0.6?


        Hi Tracey - I've put an answer to your questions here:

        Let's continue the thread there.

