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Moving from C drive to External hard drive

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    Moving from C drive to External hard drive


    I want to have a second copy on Actinic on my external drive (more room) but when I try to install it, it only wants to upgrade what is on C. It is not giving me install options.

    How can I get this on the other drive? I could uninstall on C, but not sure if I lose everything that way. I have done a site snapshot.


    I would be inclined to also do a full copy of the site1 folder as well as the snapshot - Snapshots can get corrupted (rarely) and always best to ensure you grab everything with a full folder copy.

    Not sure you will be able to install again on the external without first uninstalling - maybe someone else can clarify this

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Good idea about copying the site1 folder.

      It is possible that Actinic will only let me install once on a computer.
      But I'd really rather have it on the 250 gig external.


        If it's security of data you want then you could set up windows scheduler to automatically copy the entire site1 folder across to your external drive regularly.
        If you want to take the drive to another computer to run Actinic then that won't work as at least some files will need to be installed on the local computer and the local computer registry updated to reflect the installation.

        It might be possible to point Actinic to look in another location for its sites - perhaps someone else or Actinic Support could comment on this.

        Duncan R


          As Jont says back up site1 (and create a snapshot for ease)

          Uninstall actinic from the c drive

          Install on the new drive, import your snapshot.

          I run Actinic on my D drive as a matter of couse. My internal HD is divided into 2 drives.

          I also copy all data to my ext HDD every few hours


            Thanks folks,

            It looks like my best option (and the scariest) is to uninstall (after backing up!) from the C drive and installing on the external HD.

            I got the external long after I started working with Actinic - or I would have put it there in the first place.



              Just as a thought make sure you have a copy of the current patch you are working on .... when you re-install you will need to apply the patch to get you back to where you were.

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



                I don't think I had to apply a patch when I first installed. Maybe I should have?


                  You may not have installed any patches since the original install - you can see what version you are on at Help | About

                  SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                    Maureen - do you mind if I ask why you wish to install Actinic on your external drive. Generally one would install the program on a local drive and backup up to external - in case one drive fails. Your external drive could be as likely to fail as your internal.


                      The OP says "more room" - with the very cheap cost of hard drives I would be inclined to install a new bigger hard drive and run everything off that. Internal drives tend to be quicker and more reliable .... then use the external as Duncan suggests for back ups etc.

                      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                        Jont is right about the 'more room'

                        The person I am building the site for will want a second site from me for stock photography. At this point there will be hundreds (possibly thousands) of high res photos.

                        I figure this will work better on my 250 gig hard drive than my poor little 20 gig regular drive <g>


                          I would go along with the concenus that internal hard drives are much more reliable than external ones.

                          My ExHDD has just failled after just 6 months of useage, internal HDDs normally give you notice of impeding doom.


                            newbie asking about Installing Actinic on external drive

                            I want to install Actinic on an external drive also. why? - because I dont want to be tied to one machine to do the work. I thought if I have it on an external drive drive (160 GB) then I can just plug in to any PC and run the software.

                            Is anyone else doing this?

                            I have un-installed from the C drive and am about to try again to install on the external drive. Would appreciate any feedback as I realize this thread is old.


                              Liz - you are double posting. I have replied to your other post.

