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Moving address book & delivery address from Act_Order02 to Act_Order01

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    Moving address book & delivery address from Act_Order02 to Act_Order01

    I tried to move the address book and the delivery address (which I think only display when when you choose to have the delivery address different to the invoice address) from Act_Order02 to Act_Order01 and when I uploaded and viewed it all the NETQUOTEVAR and NETQUOTEDEL tags displayed instead of the field names.

    I was told this is because the perl scripts need to be changed so they enable the address book and the delivery address fields to display in Act_Order01 rather than Act_order02.

    Can anyone tell me how to do this, please?

    Hi Richard,

    If I'm right, you are trying to move the delivery address NQVs from Act_Order02 to Act_Order01. This cannot be done as it is the limitation of the NETQUOTEVAR variable. They do not have global value and hence would work only on Act_Order02.html

    Hope this helps
    Suresh Babu G


      Thank you for your reply Suresh.

      I guess from what you say that what I want to do is impossible, but just to make sure I have explored every avenue, would editing the perl scripts make it possible to move the address book and delivery address fields?

