The saga continues as the website falls apart around me, 4th post in 2 days.
On clicking "Continue Shopping" in the Cart the following error occurs ONLY WHEN LOGGED IN;
Have tried a "web refresh" still get the error.
Advice gratefully recieved
On clicking "Continue Shopping" in the Cart the following error occurs ONLY WHEN LOGGED IN;
A General Script Error Occurred -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Error: Bad input string "challengeout=3aaf99a89f614f55c1ded03897db6abb&USER=test&PRODUCTPAGE=index%2ehtml&challenge=dc0bce407d639781cf4baefff1c1a897&PASS=&ACTION=Login&HASH=3f14b6841ab09dc36d32a3d6f80ade58&SSLBOUNCE=&RANDOM=NETQUOTEVAR%3aRANDOM&&ACTINIC_REFERRER=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2eshhh
Advice gratefully recieved