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Customer Receipt Page

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    Customer Receipt Page

    Hi All

    I've been hearing of an error on my site which has been increasing, although sales are too, so i guess it's been the same throughout since the store started and its relative.

    Once a customer inputs their card details and confirms, they are told to wait for the receipt to show. On my laptop this works fine, however when i try it on the machine that runs Actinic, it freezes and the receipt never shows.

    Customers have started emailing me or ringing me more and more saying this is happening to them also. Has anyone had this problem, its pretty common so cannot be put down to a one off or a glitch etc.

    Would appreciate any info if this is happening to anyone else or indeed what is the fix to stop it happening. It is obviously making customers worry and once having got them to buy something, the last thing i want to do is have them worried it hasn't worked, or someone hacked in and got their details etc.

    Any help appreciated.



    Anyone from Actinic offer any assistance on this?



      Hi Lee,

      Most of the time actinic folks don't jump in on the forum unless something hasn't been answered within 2 days. Nudging a post after a day probably just resets the clock and is more likely to delay the answer than make it any faster.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling




        Had a troll through your site and made a purchase, please ignore order No : AT027110000345. I got through to the receipt page fine. Have you checked if these users who are facing issues have encountered any sort of error message or has the status bar shown the java application failing. If the client does not have java enabled / installed on their PC's then this could be the issue.

        Some more information on the issue would be helpful.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          Originally posted by Bruce

          Had a troll through your site and made a purchase, please ignore order No : AT027110000345. I got through to the receipt page fine. Have you checked if these users who are facing issues have encountered any sort of error message or has the status bar shown the java application failing. If the client does not have java enabled / installed on their PC's then this could be the issue.

          Some more information on the issue would be helpful.

          Kind regards,
          Hi Bruce

          Just got your order.

          Its intermittent Bruce, but shows no error message. I know its happening as it happens on the shop PC but not on my lappie. You get the message saying "receipt will be displayed shortly etc." and in the bottom taskbar it says "Applet COM.Actinic.Catalog.EA started" - that is all and the page just hangs.

          I originally thought it may be some security on Java settings etc. however the credit card payment applet wouldn't start if this was the case (i thought).

          One of those annoying things that is creating phone calls to the shop as people are worried etc.

          Cheers Bruce



            Any news Bruce?



              I have been a bit under the weather and hence hav not seen this till now. If it works on the laptop and not on the PC can you check the Browser security and the Fire wall settings on both machines to see if they are the same, especially check if you have 'Scripting of Java Applets' set to enable.

              Have you tried it using different Browsers?

              Kind regards,
              Bruce King


                Hi Bruce

                Hope you are feeling better!

                This is not exclusive to my laptop and the shop PC, this is something happening quite regularly (i have been contacted by around 12-13 customers). There will also be some people who have experienced this late at night where they cannot contact me or maybe some can't even be bothered and don't worry about it.

                With the above happening on varying system setups and browsers etc, this has to be something simple i would have thought. If it is down to some security setting on their PC's then i'd like to be able to tell them what rather than mumble a load of bollo@@@ to try and explain something that i haven't the foggiest about.





                  I have attached the browser settings I use for FireFox and for IE. I have not experienced an issue on your site with either FireFox, IE, Opera or Netscape.
                  Attached Files
                  Bruce King


                    Screen Freeze

                    Lee: did you manage to get a solution to the problem? We have a client with the same issue.


                    Bernie Vincent
                    The Eminent Trading Company


                      Afraid not mate.

                      If the customer can complete the transaction then i personally feel the receipt should be able to show whatever settings might be around or potentially stopping it. Seems a bit like saying your settings are fine to allow us take card payments, however they are too secure to let us show a receipt!


                        Receipt page problem appears to be solved

                        The Actinic technical support team advised me to change the network setup Codebase setting to ./ and the problem appears to be solved. (At least there have been no further reports of the receipt page appearing during the past 7 days.)

                        Please let the community know if this clears the problem for you.

                        Best wishes

                        Bernie Vincent
                        The Eminent Trading Company


                          I don't think this solves it automatically, our Codebase setting has been ./ at least since we changed hosts* about a year ago, & quite possibly since we first started.

                          As we get busier we receive more & more 'phone calls 'I've been sitting here for an hour waiting for the receipt to appear, have you got my order?'

                          Does anyone have any further thoughts on the matter? Could it be a host/server issue?

                          *After two months of that change not being able to cope with our traffic, (we had to delete the logfiles every couple of days to stay within limits) our tech. guy put us with Fasthosts, unlimited. Subsequently, I have found many mentions of problems between Actinic & Fasthosts, (the SSL issue prevents me even attempting to go that route while with Fasthosts) but I have to say that I have not encountered any known problems once we got over the initial setup settings.

                          Could this be related?

                          Reference a post above, we regularly use our own pc's to place orders on our own website, both the Actinic pc's (one for up & one for down), another office pc, a laptop, and a Media Center pc at home, and have never seen this problem. It's a bit slow sometimes but the receipt always appears.
                 - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

                          Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.


                            Have you been able to have a look at the server logs for periods around the time this issue was experienced? They could shed some light on what is happening with the request for the receipt page. It could be down to a very busy server, but then it could be due to so many other issues as well, such as a slow connection etc.

                            It would be helpful if there are any error messages or any sort of information that will help in being able to pin this down.

                            Kind regards,
                            Bruce King

