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SSL - difference between v4.1 and v6?

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    SSL - difference between v4.1 and v6?

    Hi all,

    Can anyone tell me the difference between the SSL service now available on v4.1 and that provided with v6?

    I'm currently using v4.1 - still on java applet and looking to go over to SSL.

    I don't know much about SSL at the moment, but think I've seen in the v6 marketing blurb that v6 offers SSL on the shopping cart only....does this mean v4.1 SSL is on the whole catalog and therefore slower????

    Many thanks in advance!

    Both v4.1 and v6 offer the same compatability with our 'Shared SSL' service - where your customers are passed to an SSL server in order to enter their credit card details, but the rest of the store is running under your own domain. This costs £100 a year.

    If you are talking about getting your own SSL certificate, then in v4 there is a method of running just the checkout under SSL and then running the store pages under normal URLs. This is not 100% reliable, but it does work for a lot of people. In v6, there is integrated support for having your store pages running under normal URLs and the rest of the store running under SSL. This works more reliably than in v4.


      One of my customers took the actinic SSL option and it was dead easy to install.
      Hanson Web Design
      Actinic hosting, Actinic Software, template design and re-design



        Ok - thanks both for your replies.

        I am on v4, although trialing v6 and have a couple more questions!

        1) v6 actually shows the option to choose Whole Site or just Checkout Pages and Customer login only, yet v4 just shows a Shared SSL option - am I correct in assuming that Shared SSL will always just be the Checkout Pages irrespective of version numbers?

        2) on actinics' Shared SSL Demo site - it shows that you lose your company logo header on the checkout pages - is there any way round this so that you can keep your own header?

        3) With Actinics' java encryption, the customer credit card details are downloaded along with the order detail. What happens on the download of your customers credit card details with SSL. i.e. you download your orders from actinic as normal - do you then have to download the credit card info as a text file separately?

        Many, many thanks in anticipation!


          Looking again, my customer's on V5. It leaves the customers site, (picks up the colours from the site, shop logo replaced by company name in text,) collects the info, sends all details back to my clients PC, returns to main site.
          So point 3, it still send the info, as if just using the java applet because you sort of are.
          Hanson Web Design

          Actinic hosting, Actinic Software, template design and re-design


            It really important to understand there is a huge difference between 'Shared SSL' and normal 'SSL'.

            'Shared SSL' is a service provided by Actinic where the payment page resides on Actinic's servers, and customers enter their credit card details in this page before being returned to your website to see the receipt.

            You can also sort out your own SSL certificate for your own servers and run your own pages under SSL. If you do this, then you have the choice of either running every page on your site under SSL or only running the checkout phase under SSL.

            1) v6 actually shows the option to choose Whole Site or just Checkout Pages and Customer login only, yet v4 just shows a Shared SSL option - am I correct in assuming that Shared SSL will always just be the Checkout Pages irrespective of version numbers?

            No - see above. In v6 when you select to have SSL for 'Checkout Pages and Customer login only' then you need to have bought your own SSL certificate and installed on your website. In Shared SSL, you pay £100 a year for the use of our SSL site.

            2) on actinics' Shared SSL Demo site - it shows that you lose your company logo header on the checkout pages - is there any way round this so that you can keep your own header?

            No - see Jenny's answer.

            3) With Actinics' java encryption, the customer credit card details are downloaded along with the order detail. What happens on the download of your customers credit card details with SSL. i.e. you download your orders from actinic as normal - do you then have to download the credit card info as a text file separately?

            In both SSL and Shared SSL you download the credit card details with the orders in exactly the same way as if you had taken an order with Java Encryption.

