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Fragment text link

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    Fragment text link

    Greetings, I cannot text link in the fragment. I can link using an image. anyone know what to do? Jon

    <a href="put the url here">put the link text here</a>


      replace the text you want to be the hyperlink with [LINK]

      then in the second tab, link text field, you enter the text to be displayed instead of the work [LINK]

      eg to make the words 'click here' a hyperlink in the phrase 'click here for more details'

      type "[LINK] for more details" in the text area, then in the second tab type the words "click here" in the 'link text' field


        fragment text link does not work

        Phil, thanks for your reply. I am working with a fragment on the brochure or home page. The link tab comes up, but will only work with an image. Will it work with your site? Maybe I have a bum program? Thanks, Jon


          Make sure you have set the fragment layout to include text. If you have "Image only" or "Image and Title" selected then you cannot have a text hyperlink. Select from one of the other options, such as "Image to right/left of text", "Image to right/left of text and title", "Text and title" or "Text only".

          Any of these options will allow you to enter text with links as described in previous posts.

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